What Would Make It Special

Not every player is hell-bent on being isk-rich. It doesn’t take much to Venture to an astoid, mine and produce something, it’s in the tutorial agents and it’s much more fun to interact with players in whatever ways the game allows be it exploding them or working together than to dream day and night about isk without having the fun that the game provides for.

I once tried that game ARK, I kept getting ganked by dinosaurs.

The points are that A). there are way more players consuming than there are producing; B). producing is fun, but it’s very limited by SP and standing. Wouldn’t you want every player to have the opportunity to be competitive? More stations would have items.

Hyperbole much?
CCP has said at the recent Fanfest that they’ll be kicking out the attributes, but will also be looking at the skills. What I understood of what’s the plan is to re-balance and even remove some skills. Some discussion even on those 14 core skills everyone should train, if it’s no choice that these should be trained, should they even be skills?

A weird thing about setting limits (even in a game) is that it kinda keeps people sane and gives people purpose… Recently experienced this with another MMO, kinda burned out on the lack of limits, then they introduced limits and things became a little more sane…

Producing can be fun, but there’s a reason why not everyone is doing it or seeding items at all the stations… It’s not profitable most of the time. A (long) while back I setup in LS 5 jumps from a HS trading hub, I produced a huge swath of modules and even ships, but just building and offering them for sale isn’t enough to actually sell them. I needed to do ‘market research’ what activities were being done in and around the system, what ships are being flown (and more specifically, blown up). How much of a premium could I ask for those five jumps to and back again? I did some serious market manipulation. I didn’t just spend a LOT of time skilling, I spend a lot of time Excelling, doing research, etc.

In reality people just freely building stuff means that either space rich folks buying cheap stuff from people that consider mats ‘free’ because they mined themselves OR people complaining on the forums that they can’t sell anything for a profit and there should be NPC orders they should be able to sell to… (Really, I’ve seen this in another MMO!)

Skills in EVE are you spending time and effort on a specific gameplay loop. It requires you to actually learn the gameplay loop instead of just trying it, not understanding it and trying the next gameplay loop, repeat. EVE just isn’t that kinda game imho.

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