What's happening to combat interceptors?

  • +5% dmg per level,
  • +fitting
  • +speed

Bah. That’s not a cool change. Why not use an AF instead? It’ll live longer.

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AF’s are getting a 10% speed nerf (I think I heard that right).

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you did.
less tank, less speed. sad :confused:

So most significant thing combat ceptors are getting is a nerf to AF.

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Yeah the ramjag will get a nerfs to fitting an speed. But if you followed closely, I bet medium autocannons will get a buff in mid-November.

And coming next week all modules and cargo will drop form a player killed ship or structure - trick or treat!!

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Isn’t Enyo a slowest frigate already?

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I was thinking of that :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

retribution, harpy, hawk, vengeance are 375, 390, 402, 402.
ishkur, enyo are 424, 425
jaguar, wolf are 506, 519

They could shield their mwd (prop, not warp drive) from the affects of warp scramblers. That alone would give them a place.

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Is that really all?
That is useless.


Wow, I was really hoping that wasn’t all they were going to get. For the number crunchers out there does this actually make them viable?

I’ve been away since 2010ish and use to fly the 'ranis pretty frequently to at least decent effect.

Would someone mind filling me in on what happened to my favorite ship?

Edit: spelling

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I have a question:

Can anyone here clearly define the role of:

Combat Interceptors

“???” Interceptors (the other bubble immune interceptors - whatever we call them)

Because I am struggling to properly define what these ships are. I think we can clearly define the bubble immune interceptors as “True Fast Tackle”. Unless anyone has another clearly defined role (except relic hunter lolz)

So, what are combat interceptors and how are they different to AF’s in their role? (other than speed)

it’s actually very simple.

Fleet ceptors role is to find and long-point target so that other people can come and gank the fish. MJD, neutra can rend them useless. or just blowing them. They are a better “light tackle” T1 frig (atron).

Combat ceptor role is to find a target as a group, and destroy it as a group. They can position themselves quickly on the battlefield, enabling a good FC to quickly reposition the fleet in a position where their relative low DPS can be to correct use.

AF role is to hold a target in a heavy-damage environment. They are a better “hard tackle” T1 frig (incur… merlin).

This may be the plan for them, but they have a mismatch of kit for it. You have a ultra fast ship with bonuses to MWD sig radius, but not enough cap to properly run it and not enough agility to maintain the speed. You have turret based weapon systems with no availability of missiles that wouldn’t be hindered by the fast speeds. Sadly I just can’t see what a combat ceptor could currently do that a Garmur wouldn’t do better. The Garmur, while 3x the cost, can be alpha piloted too.


You have enough cap to run it. You don’t have enough to sustain it though - but that’s a pretty bad idea, because then it would ■■■■ your tracking

Which fast speed ? The one that you don’t have because you can’t “properly run” the MWD ?

Your post if just self-contradictory BS.

The MWD are here to give the possibility to position yourself quickly, not to speed tank by orbiting the target.

I’m going back quite sometime here but at one point the fitting was nerfed because Maledictions and (then bubble immune) Taransis’ were murdering all of nullsec.

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