What's preventing CCP from releasing an officially supported Linux version?

You’re deflecting now… Minority or not, it doesn’t mean one has to thank CCP every time for it when they first give, to then take it away to give again, and to stop again. Only addicts show this kind of never-ending gratitude. Not sure what else to tell you really. I’m just not that grateful. You’ll have to figure this out for yourself, Ima. I don’t see how I can help you.

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I just don’t see any issue. I was mad at CCP when they abandoned the client but it was kinda understandable. I mean not even the Linux gamers used it since it was just garbage. And I can understand that there is no compelling reason to support Linux from a monetary perspective.

The only thing I’m grateful of is that one dev invested his private time to create the native Linux launcher and occasionally fixed some stuff which broke even without “official” support. So it is less gratitude for CCP than for that one dev :wink: . And I’m also very grateful for the awesome people in this Linux forum which always found a solution to get stuff working again.


Linux users usually have a brain. They don’t need an officially wrapped version of EVE.

We saw that with the official Linux support long time ago. People was using the Windows version on Wine instead, it was faster, less buggier and prettier. That’s why they pulled it out, Linux users was still downloading the Windows version. If CCP want to release a officially supported EVE, they would have to natively support it and that will not append unfortunately. And Wine+DXVK run really well, they can’t beat that with proprietary and inferior wrapping (just look on the Mac side).

The reason Mac still got the support is that they did use that inferior version as they could not get wine to work in a easy way plus there OpenGL stack is soo bugged that Wine needed extra work to even get it to work that way.

Most current Linux games on steam are also wrapped, but Feral is doing a good job with there Vulkan wrapping.

EDIT: For the people who say that MacOS have more gamers than Linux, How you can know that? Apple user whine and get support and so statistics. Linux user use Wine and so are counted as Windows users. You could argue that Steam are statistics but no, there not. A lot of users a using Windows steam on Wine because it work better for most game even for the Linux “ports”. Gathering actual statistic of how many are gaming on Linux is pretty hard actually.


You guys still keep being distracted by anti-linux trolls.

Points that do matter:

  1. CCP has a linux launcher for eve, allowing people to start the game and play.
  2. Many games claiming to have linux support just use a wrapper similar to (or based on) WINE.
  3. CCP can turn this unofficial support into official through the WINE wrapper.
  4. In the end of the day, it’s not critical whether eve client is native for linux or not, it just needs to be working.

p.s. failed to see the post by Ravow basically saying similar things, I just don’t agree that we don’t need an official wrapper.

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