What's up with input broadcasting and the like?

People do impossible things all the time, just watch some “Most Amazing at their job” videos.

Players have videos showing doing repetitive things very fast with multiple windows on the same client.

That said, it’s pretty clear that’s a hard act to follow, and I’m sure most of the “typical” multi-boxers do use software to coordinate inputs, which would be illegal.

The problem is it isn’t as simple as saying “Oh hey there’s a 5-boxer, therefore illegal input broadcasting”.

If you think someone is botting or broadcasting, take some screen caps with hopefully time stamps to show just how much is being accomplished on each server tick, and file a bot/abuse report ticket. CCP handles the cases individually, they can’t just assume every 5-boxer is cheating.


Something you have to remember, EvE can be played in window mode and the windows can be stacked in such a way that all of the overviews of each client are visible on the screen at the same time. This along with hotkeys makes it trivial to warp/target/shoot/etc an entire fleet in seconds or less.

There are videos on Youtube of people doing such things, it is not illegal, it just takes some practice. Whether it is good for the game or not is for someone else to decide.


I’m not saying this way it can’t be done in seconds, but it still takes seconds. When these guys undock, it doesn’t happen in even just 2 or 3 seconds for all the toons, all 6 show up on grid exactly the same time. I mean ok, people can be fast, you can set up clients to be fast, but there must be a delay because you still can’t click on 6 different buttons at exactly the same time. Back in the day I multiboxed 5 toons in WH space manually, I can make the difference. Anyway, I will just keep reporting these toons.

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No - much less. In fact try it.

Like literally try pressing the buttons is a row.
You’ll find you can do it in under a second.

Since EvE runs in packets, all the inputs get to EvE at the same time, even if they aren’t pressed at the same time (just in rapid succession).

People who do solo fleets likely have got this down to an art.

–Others see Magic, Gadget sees Science


I will try of course, until that I’m a sceptic :slight_smile:

If in your mind “having the same name” equals to “must be botting” then you should probably stop having thoughts of your own.

Personally I HATE people making tons of alts using the same alt name (it kills emersion for me) just as I dislike people using multibox armies. But it’s allowed in the game and there’s nothing wrong with it as such.


Seriously you are the second guy who gets stuck with this. I mentioned other things that are suspicious, the name is just one thing. Why don’t you reflect on those?

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I can’t disagree.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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…probably because people who are suspicious simply file reports and don’t start forum threads where others are allowed to have ideas of their own and engage with pieces as they see it?

I have seen 5 man fleets all over in low sec with very different names all being multiboxed just as easily as a 10 man hulk high sec wardecd multiboxed fleet went up in flames with hexadecimal illegible names. Names are meaningless signal when it comes to multiboxing vs botting, just report and move on.


The damn names again man… Don’t worry, I report them all if they look suspicious.

if you think the actions that they are taking are suspicious, then report them. that simple.

  • CCP has actually published data about them banning RMTers and input broadcasters. (Not hard to find)

Team Security: 2021 in Review | EVE Online

Team Security: Rules And Policy Clarifications | EVE Online

Quick google search.

  • Like ANY game just report someone you might think are breaking the rules and CCP will handle it.

  • You will go CRAZY if you want to make sure there is noone breaking the rules. Just play and have fun with friends. (Emphaise with FRIENDS)

I don’t reflect on people who MABYE breaking the rules because I wanna play my own game lol. Let the devs handle it.

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I managed to hit alt-tab and A ( for align ) six times in two seconds. I would imagine that for many this might appear ‘instant’.

Bear in mind also that it takes a period of time for all six ships to uncloak, so unless a person was extremely observant ( and how could you be when you don’t know the exact moment a fleet is going to undock or come through a gate ) it would appear that six ships uncloaked and were ‘instantly’ fleet warped off. By the time you even notice there are 6 ships there…they are likely all aligned and then you see the fleet warp and imagine that the whole process was instant.

Because if your level of critical thinking is that low that kinda sorta diminishes the validity of any of your “suspicions” and “logic” and we’re down to feelings over facts. At that point you’re just throwing ■■■■ at the wall and hoping something sticks, not really the sort of person who’s opinions and statements should be valued.

Also, according to your own… logic and feelings over facts, your obvious botting corp name history with obvious botting alt character names is really telling: You’re a bot, report yourself.


Not reporting it is a bannable offense.

Are you looking banned?

Nice one. Still talking about the name. There are actually a few comments with personal experience, that help me understand how things work, thanks for those everyone.

But just look at yours. You just try to humiliate me. That tells everything about you.

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Most of the facts and game mechanics were already explained, what’s left is your self serving accusations because “they fu*k the ISK/LP rate up”. Had you come here with “could these be bots?” or “how to identify bots” then you’d have a different reception, but no you went all-in with “these are bots, because they need to be as they interfere with my income so I want them gone”.

Your choice to do so resulted in the consequence of people going “lol”.


npc Nullsec you say ? Get a small fleet together, with a combat prober, pay them a visit.

Usually bots attempt to warp as soon as you enter the system, from what I’ve heard - I’m not fast enough to catch them.

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Really, Princess?

You and I both know he’s right.

Occam’s razor.

Paid accounts are required to be online simultaneously.

Input Broadcast accounts = $ for CCP.

Despite what anyone here says, it is simply not possible to synchronize 4-25 pilots without error, much less the time that would be required to alt+tab.

‘bUt ThErE aRe ViDeOs…’ yeah, because video is so difficult to edit in today’s world.

TBH, CCP should just implement their own Input Broadcasting into the game. It would create so much revenue they wouldn’t know what to do.