When Did Gankers Turn Into Wussies?

Possible but as you say you can never know due to the Frostpacker Uncertainty Principle. :thinking:


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Iā€™m completely oblivious, all I know is isk makes me happy and the more I get the happier I am.

This is a wild thought Anti-Gankers, almost zero return on months of investment. Thatā€™s an embarrassing prospect considering even miners are making something off the belt. They claim itā€™s charity but a zero net worth is still a big fat zero in my book.

So does this mean that Anti-Gankers are just failed Gankers that became bitter?

Please help me understand Iā€™m new and need guidance.

I think theyā€™re more like the Social Justice Warriors of New Eden. Good intentions wrapped around naivety and a general disdain for profit but donā€™t take my word for it, I never was an Anti-ganker.
Maybe we could ask one, if we can find one.

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It sounds dangerously Anti-Capitalist to me.
Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a threat to our free markets, but itā€™s definitely not productive.

From my newbro perspective itā€™s seems like the Anti is more like Failed.


Any thoughts, are you an anti-capitalist that hates the free markets? Do you consider yourself an Anti Ganker, why do you do what you do? Is it hard knowing that your focusing on a 2million Destroyer instead of a 2billion hauler? Why not just tornado yourself some good money?

Calm down miner.


I donā€™t know how to characterize it. Some may call it a playstyle, others revenge and yet I donā€™t see the purpose in foiling one gank while failing to foil a hundred others. Of course I donā€™t know how the mind of an Anti-ganker works.

Iā€™m not sure about that, although it is likely.
Iā€™m anti-terrorists but that doesnā€™t mean I have failed at Terrorism.


Thatā€™s a solid point I hadnā€™t really thought about it like that.

Maybe you could help fill us in, I donā€™t understand why someone would spend hours a day floating in space not turning some kind of profit. Why would someone focus on a Catalyst instead of a Hauler or Freighter. Seeing as how your one of the premier Gankers in eve, your insight into the matter would be greatly appreciated.

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I address this in my previous post:

In this particular case, the OP is a pleb who canā€™t do anything to stop me in game, so they resort to continual forum temper tantrums. Itā€™s basically the equivalent of someone who canā€™t afford to go to the baseball game, and they spend their time ranting on the baseball forums. They donā€™t play the game, they arenā€™t part of the game, they are just a general purpose whiner.


Thank you for your time regarding the matter.


So I canā€™t say in this particular case they are a failure as they never made an attempt to play the game as that would be disrespectful to someone that at the very least made an attempt at trying.

This has been illuminating.

As an industrialistā€¦ Ganking is just part of the business model. Some gankers do not know what they have and sell cheap. I buy and sell it for more. Did I just gank the ganker?

When I am in an asteroid belt and see someone landing on grid. I warp off fast. Ganking is only successful when you are not paying attention. So pay attention out there. Do not watch netflix or whatever it is you do to pass the time. Do not be AFK.

Unless you can afford to lose ships. Some actually have that cost built into their business model. Seems a waste to me. But then I do not multi box either so there is that.

I am always prepared to lose a ship anytime i undock. I take calculated risks for anything I want to do. Whether it is playing the market or flying a ship.

Yelling at gankers and being salty about ganking. Is like yelling and blaming water for being wet. It is what it is.

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Your the trash

Youā€™re breaking my heart, sweetie. Thatā€™s not what you said on our first date :wink:

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I think what he means is that he is your trash. Thatā€™s very sweet. If he meant to call you trash, he would have said ā€œyouā€™re trashā€.


@Aiko_Danuja Good call!

@Zedminer_Severasse Iā€™m glad youā€™re still with me, babe. :gift_heart:

I think he like likes you :heart:

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@Conference_Elitest I like her very much as well. Sheā€™s very talented for some special forms of horizontal activities.

ZZ Top - Tube Snake Boogie (Official Music Video)

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Got this kill listening to that:

Tube snake down!


@Aallin_Gicquet :+1:
It seems I have gone over my like quota. Must wait one hour to get moreā€¦ Next thing we know there will be a Forum Subscription :sweat_smile:


206million in profit.

Thatā€™s a beautiful thing right there, Aiko Danuja is truly a friend of the free markets.

May your capital gains never have interest and your wallet be forever swole.

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