I believe you may be misconstruing the idea of destination with the idea of abstination. That which is before us is, by the Scriptures, predestined. However, we are commanded to be active in the Body of God. To do otherwise does not necessarily carry the whole of the Amarr, for to do so indicates that the Body of God is to be carried individually, not collectively.
Therein lies the crux of the matter; no single Amarr could ever possibly carry on the great Work, and the command to Reclaim is the way to bring all people unto God’s service. We must all achieve those works together.
This is important, because many do not understand why so many others are punished for the transgressions of a few. Why, for example, the people were made to suffer in darkness for the transgressions of Amash-Akura until his path was righted. That is because to be lazy, to shirk from the work, is a personal transgression and carries personal consequence (damnation before God and separation from the Body). This is what you refer to. But the great Work is the work of the people of Amarr, collectively, and to shirk it is the failure of the people, and the people are destined to succeed.
I think where you may be attempting to move with your reasoning is “succeed at what”? We are told that we shall inherit the Heavens. The Reclamation is a moving target that tests the faith. It is an all encompassing goal, one which cannot be garnered alone. Hence we are commanded to stand together over and over through the Scriptures. We may strive toward God’s plan, but God’s works require unity, for alone we are weak.
And so, while something may seem like a good idea, unilateral attempts to achieve the “correct” ends, even if they are not midguided, are also a sin. When Amash-Akura commanded the Sefrim to assail Molok, it is unquestioned that he had the correct ends in sight. What dogged him were his means, that he not only shirked his duty but shirked all of his peoples’ duty. Thus were all punished with darkness.
The Amarr people will succeed so long as the Amarr people continue, and surely darkness will guide us from the wrong path or cause us to light the way for the rest of the Body.
This is why the means are so important, Samira, because to think we know better than all, without their input, is surely heresy whether we are correct or not. What may seem so correct may not be correct. Our wars for freedom may kill more than they free, and make conditions worse for those who stay. Our acts in our own interest may rob the needy and shirk our responsibilities. Our calls for absolution will surely leave our brothers and sisters in darkness if we do not stand with them and call in unison.
So while I wouldn’t say you are incorrect in assuming we do have to do something, that’s the easy part. God has commanded us to do a great many things. But he has assured us of our destiny, as the inertia of our great Empire is unstoppable so long as it is along the path of God. That inertia is gone the moment we stray and call our brothers lost.
Proving your faith is a personal goal, but we were not to live for personal reasons. The purpose of Amarr is purity, and if all of the Body is pure, the path is assured.