You do realize that personal anecdotes while maybe entertaining, interesting or fun to read/hear about…are not exactly the best source. You might just be really unlucky. Maybe you are actually really luck. Or you are completely representative of what is happening to EVE players. Without alot more data we just can’t tell.
Yes, and in a competitive MMO where attacking other players is not only allowed, but expected this is absolutely fine.
My statements are based on my experience which forms my opinion. Your statements are based on your experience which forms your opinion. I say the last 5 years has seen an exponential increase in Suicide Ganking and you say it hasen’t.
One thing is for sure, I don’t have to provide proof that my statement is true nor am I gonna waste my time looking for something in an attempt to disprove your statement. Obviously there must be some truth to my statement or you wouldn’t be so hell bent on trying to prove me wrong.