Let’s be absolutely realistic here, you’ll never actually do anything.
Just checked your killboard your kills are in billions, ahh so cute. I will play , just get in to the trillions to make it worth my time.
This is what happens, CCP Dont say anything they expect the players to engage each other, (Just like a sandbox) ,and thats fine and lets them of the hook , and why the whole game is failing. Because its a sandbox until CCP want to manipulate its player base. But that goes out the window , when they want to charge your basic stuff. Its like there financial model, Charge for a subscription, And then Charge for gameplay. Whoever is guiding them in this a finacial , Shithead.
Yep Talic is a Discrace, I Agree. Poor Guy.
Dude this my alt that has one purpose. log on get benifits, Log off. I dont even like him so if you see him kill him im cool with that, Actually decare war , that could be fun.
I Love this part of the game , Bloke dont like bloke, so calls bloke out. This is what made eve. Now its a bunch of Pussys that are to scared to undock, that is what has killed eve the new generation of pussys, that just ■■■■■ rather than fight. ( fairly sure this will be deleted , so take screen shots please)
Bruh, it’s your main.
You are trash.
How Rude, Calling Me Trash, How about Declaring war on me , just to prove How trash i am. I Have never done PVP with this clone, But im game, Cheers.
You aren’t worth it.
The irony of someone using a garbage alt to talk ■■■■, and then making excuses after getting called out, going on a rabid rant about players “to [sic] scared to undock” and “the new generation of pussys [sic]” is absolutely not lost on me.
Sounds like we have a filthy, stinky boomer on our hands!
Ok , I Will see how much it will cost, and my main is bored, so I may come hunt you for fun instead. Love this game.
If you don’t, you are a loser.
I Agree , But if you never undock like half of the people I hunt, then who is the loser ?
You are.
I Will do a 1v1 in any ship type. in any system .5 or above so you cant gank me , how about that for a giggle.
Calm down miner.
Im a miner, my lasers are overheating , how do i pvp . HELP.