People are presenting solutions and workarounds for the game as it is. It’s been that way for years and unlikely to change. The station containers aren’t that hard to work with if you label them properly and use them consistently.
I doubt many players would disagree with your idea, but it’s unlikely you’ll gain any large public support for the change. Probably less than 2% of the playerbase ‘needs’ over 1,000 different items in a single station to conduct their business. It sounds more like you simply don’t want to categorize, organize, or dispose of anything.
If you do think it’s a simple and small change that can and should be implemented for the benefit of a significant portion of players, then you’d be better off posting a properly formatted suggestion in the “Small QoL” thread:
Or add your support to one of the similar suggestions in that thread (such as the ones for adding various ‘tabs’ in inventory windows).