When shall we expect an increase in the number of different items in the trade hub of Dodixie?

The Federation Navy Assembly plant at the 20th moon of Dodixie IX is one of the main trade hubs in EVE and yet 20 years later and after so many trillions paid in taxes for all the transactions that has been happening all this time it never occurred to the governing body of this station, the corporation that runs it or even the Galente Federation itself that it is time to upgrade the station, increase its size and allow the capsuliers to store higher number of different items, which is currently limited to 1000! DON"T BE CHEAP use the money we pay you every day and upgrade this rusty can for bloody sakes!


What makes you think this is Dodixie specific?


Place buy orders at around similar prices as Jita for what you are looking for and there will be pilots not wanting to ship through Uedama and instead run along the Dodixe HEK pipe


Do you think they actually use the “tax” money for anything useful?
It’s Isk sink!


when someone like you starts either importing goods from Jita or starts building items for local sales. So … any moment now. Have you already started working on this? No? Well, then get started and stop posting useless requests on the forums. You are responsible for fixing this subjective issue.

I bet you have not heard of containers. Let me tell you, they are super amazing for storing way more than 1000 item stacks and for organizing your goods and junk.


Simple fix.

Since CCP likes to make industry taxes go up as more industry is done in a system, all that is needed to spread out the trade is for the market taxes to go up the more trade there is in a system.

Of course, more station spots would be helpful too, one might say mandatory if trade increases in a meaningful way.

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Spreading out trade is not going to make anything better. Nothing. At. All. All it will do is make trade even less active, even more cumbersome and even more harmful for the health of EVE. Strongest evidence: The current state of the minor hubs and the number of complaints about lacking product stocks in smaller hubs. Spreading out trade is one of these idea that only crypto-bro-brain people like and defend.

It’s mostly about storage then, since you wouldn’t for instance have over 1,000 different items involved in active trade.

One way to handle it is to use station containers, and name them according to the types of items stored in them. To quote other approaches from an older post:

Continuing the discussion from Can someone help ! storage problems?:


:thinking: Wow, been playing this game for over 16 years and I never knew station hangars were limited to having 1000 different items in it…

No matter how long you’ve been playing this game, there’s always something new to learn… :wink:


Strictly speaking that’s 1000 stacks, not 1000 individual items. I have about 250 stacks at Jita that cover just about everything I could fit to a ship, and am nowhere near running out of stack space…yet.

For those who don’t know…you have to package items for them to all stack, then its one click and everything is stacked.

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Each of which can be a container, including:

Each of which can hold a 1000 stacks inside them and depending on the type of container a large total volume as well.

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To be fair he said ‘Different Items’, not ‘Individual Items’…


When you seed them? But honestly, Gallente sucks so it’s not big loss. They’re a less cool Caldari wannabee faction of space hippies :laughing:

A shortage can happen anywhere where demand (for whatever reason) exceeds supply is not a problem: it’s a good opportunity to make good ISK for a player willing to grab it.

There’s definitely a demand: someone is grumbling about not being able to buy everything they want at Dodixie IX. Indeed, they have that crucial bit of knowledge of “what item can I gouge s profit on?”

Either import items from elsewhere or manufacturer them. Sell them make ISK.


Thank you very much!

It makes things so much easier when people actually read what has been said!

Now back to the container “solution” that was offered by Dyver Phycad.

The containers are no different than the filters, we basically put groups of items that posses certain features just like what filters do except the containers lock up the items, so we can’t:

  • use minerals that are inside a container to start a manufacturing job!
  • we can’t use a single inventory search across all items that are in different containers, as the search result will be shown only for the selected container,
  • items don’t automatically get moved from the inventory to the containers after we unload them from a ship, we have to do this manually, sure we can use filters to speed things up, but now we have two additional drop down menus - one for the containers and a second one for the filters, which leads to the question what’s the downside of having just one - for the filters?

All in all its a clumsy and slower “duck tape solution” way to organize a warehouse.

With the help of the containers the game can store more than 1000 different items, so the shortage of memory is not the issue for the limitation, it has to be something else, after all it has been many years since the game was launched and the amount of the memory that the servers can have and the speed of their processors have increased a lot, so what’s preventing CCP from doing the right thing?

About the suggestion that I can sell and reprocess some of the items, well that is true but what if for some reason and there are several I don’t want to do it right at the very moment when the limit is reached? Also new items are constantly being added to the game, Now instead of continuing doing what I was doing prior to unloading the cargo I have to sit and deal with this issue, why not give me the option to choose when WHEN I want to do that?

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When starting a job there are input an output options available on the right screen. Default is main inventory but you can change to containers to pull from there.


Have you considered renting an office?

I have unlimited (basically) space in my corporation divisions.

In Jita 4/4 I just use Station Warehouse Containers.

*You CAN assign input and output to containers.

People are presenting solutions and workarounds for the game as it is. It’s been that way for years and unlikely to change. The station containers aren’t that hard to work with if you label them properly and use them consistently.

I doubt many players would disagree with your idea, but it’s unlikely you’ll gain any large public support for the change. Probably less than 2% of the playerbase ‘needs’ over 1,000 different items in a single station to conduct their business. It sounds more like you simply don’t want to categorize, organize, or dispose of anything.

If you do think it’s a simple and small change that can and should be implemented for the benefit of a significant portion of players, then you’d be better off posting a properly formatted suggestion in the “Small QoL” thread:

Or add your support to one of the similar suggestions in that thread (such as the ones for adding various ‘tabs’ in inventory windows).

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I agree.

Frankly, (and realistically) any self-respecting organization would charge for more storage.

I know that it’s just pixels, but I personally like when CCP keeps it real…

It’s a technical limitation, 1k stacks or 1k containers each with 1k stacks, or any in between. They can ask for a change all they want, it’s not going to happen.

Also, for whatever reason the OP insinuated that this was specific to Dodixie and that Jita would not have this issue. Hence my reply and leaving it at that.

Offices have the same issue: 1k stacks/containers per hangar, it’s just less of an issue. Not that it really IS an issue in the first place because if you have over 1k different items without any sort of organisation (containers) it’s well and clearly PEBCAK.