I’ve only been playing EVE for a couple of years, so the empire market hubs were created long before my time. I did however, chat to a returning player who helped set up Dodixie way back when. I started playing just before the CONCORD market hub at Yulai breathed its last.
Back then, Jita was a vibrant bazaar of wonders. Now, it’s a ■■■■■■■ cesspit of suicide gankers, chat bots and lazy-ass scammers who can’t think of a single original idea for a scam. Jita is infected with space AIDS and despite CCP’s physical support, I fear for its future. Nowadays I rarely, if ever, go to Jita.
Dodixie is experiencing severe dysfunction, if not straight up dying. There are significant gaps in supply in inventory which sometimes have to be filled by other hubs, which is just one of the factors driving up prices. Rupee Rue’s shenanigans aren’t exactly helping, either. I’m not entirely sure how this would be remedied, but I do know action needs to be taken soon before the Federation’s biggest marketplace begins to resemble a Venezuelan grocery store.
Amarr, on the other hand, is still the chill place I discovered as a carebear. The locals are generally nice and whatever I can’t get in Dodixie I can get there at a reasonable price. Given that’s it’s only a short hop through lowsec, I’m wondering if Dodixie’s proximity to Amarr is one of the reasons for Dodixie’s woes. Maybe the Gallente hub should be relocated further away, to even out the distribution of goods?
Since the demise of Hek, Rens has seen a lot more traffic, but prices are still competitive. Whatever my Minmatar alt needs she can get pretty cheap in Rens.
I’d also like to bring up the possibility of a lowsec hub to replace Hek in terms of scope and purpose, in a system far enough from the other hubs to not be economically problematic, but not close enough to favour any particular nullsec region. Nullsec alliances, of course, can support their own regional markets.
Static wormhole market citadels could also be an option. I’ve never been to Thera, so I don’t know what the market’s like there, but any diver with sufficient knowledge of static routes could anchor a Fortizar in a wormhole between multiple regions and set up a hub of their own.
If any of the original market pioneers are reading this, I’d love to hear from you.