When will the Annual Christmas 🤶 event start?

Stop telling lies. Literally the only thing Geddons are good for is mining.

The golden weirdos make bad ships. Everyone know this.

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The papi’s think their paladin doctrine is “great”, and it is indeed a handful.

At least us golden weirdos have far better ships now than we did a decade ago. Slow progress indeed, but our researchers and engineers need to observe their daily prayer session obligations.

Also: Amarr Victor, just to stay in tune with weirdness. There.

Also also: Christmas is never late. It comes precisely on time. There.

And this year’s Winter Nexus has now been announced: Winter Nexus Returns! | EVE Online.


Only start on Thursday and end on 3rd, bummer, so no winter event for me this year. :frowning:

Wish all of you fun with it, I know it will be, was the best one for couple years now :slight_smile:

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