Where i found the report table between dgmTypeAttributes and invGroups?

Hello guys

I’m not sure it’s the right section

Standup M-Set basic medium ship manufacturing material efficiency I

improve the material efficiency on T1 groups

cruiser groupID 631
battleCruiser groupID 419
Industrial ship groupID 28
mining barger groupID 463

SELECT * FROM dgmAttributeTypes, dgmTypeAttributes
where dgmTypeAttributes.typeID= “37146” and
dgmTypeAttributes.attributeID = dgmAttributeTypes.attributeID;

Here there are all property of the rigs like this:

  • attributeID 2595
  • Bonus on Material decrease for engineering rigs
  • -2

Where i found the report table between dgmTypeAttributes and invGroups ?

Id 37146 <> groupID 419 Battlecruiser
Id 37146 <> groupID 631 cruiser
Id 37146 <> groupID 28 industrial
Id 37146 <> groupID 463 mining bardges

Id 43919 <> groupID 419
Id 43919 <> groupID 631
Id 43919 <> groupID 28
Id 43919 <> groupID 463

I could create manually report table but it is not efficient

ID 37146 Standup M-Set basic medium ship manufacturing material efficiency I
ID 37147 Standup M-Set basic medium ship manufacturing material efficiency II
ID 43919 Standup M-Set Basic Medium Ship Manufacturing Time Efficiency I
ID 37153 Standup M-Set Basic Medium Ship Manufacturing Time Efficiency II
groupID 419 Battlecruiser - Drake
groupID 631 cruiser - shythe
groupID 28 industrial - Bestower
groupID 463 mining bardges - Covetor

ID 43732 Standup M-Set Basic Large Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I
ID 37152 Standup M-Set Basic Large Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency II
ID 43733 Standup M-Set Basic Large Ship Manufacturing Time Efficiency I
ID 43734 Standup M-Set Basic Large Ship Manufacturing Time Efficiency II
groupID 941 Industrial Command Ship - orca
groupID 27 Battleship - raven
groupID 513 Freighter - charon

Iirc, this isn’t in the SDE, you can only know item attributes, but not link between effects and items / groups of items



i get object from DB EVE, this is my MySQL

SELECT * from invTypes where invTypes.typeID=3714

bye and thank you


There is no solution?
How to the game know that the Rig " A " has effects on groups " B, C, D " ???
bye and thank you

For example the Raitaru with fit " Standup M-Set Equipment Manufacturing Time Efficiency I " how do you know if the object to build receives the bonus?

“Standup M-Set Equipment Manufacturing Time Efficiency I” has effect on Battlecruiser but hasn’t effect on capital ship.


you need to manually define that process.
Unless this has changed, SDE only contains attributes an item has, not attribute that affects it. So you can find the effect of a rig, but not what it affects.

I still may be wrong, but the last time I looked for it I never managed to find it (doesn’t mean it’s not there, but doesn’t mean it’s in there too)

I created manually the reltionship between rig anf the objects to be built…
Anyway thank for support

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