Who Is

The CM these days and what is her/his CCP tag?

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

@Uriel_the_Flame is in the know and could have more fan base intelligence that may cost you a billion.

:right_anger_bubble: :moneybag:

That’s too bad, did you pay for your actual community pass?

You must pay the toll.

I’m the Claims Manager for today and I have decided that anything goes!

Still him afaik


Is that your unofficial title? lol

@Arthur_Aihaken I’m always unofficial, that way there is no trace or records :wink:

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communityteam@ccpgames.com is the contact point per https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/8563133115932-Forum-Moderation-Policy

You might try answering the question in the OP rather than rambling on about nothing to do with what I was asking.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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You still don’t understand the way forward is to pay the tax.

Perhaps the unofficial forum would help!