Who the hell left those capsules?

As said in the title, with the last missions mandated by the Agency, we are asked to retrieve “compacted capsules” wich have for descriptions “This hydrostatic capsule is inert and unoccupied, lacking a stock of quantum-entangled 4-Helium, hyper-oxygenated crashgel or a clone blank. Nevertheless, the valuable technology of the capsule shell could be recovered and compressed for transport.”

Each capsule is just there, in the void, with some guristas structures nearby, so my question is:
Are the guristas trying to retrieve thoses capsules?
If yes, are the capsules already damaged? or maybe then they already salvaged what they wanted…
or maybe they managed to make a “trap” for capsules
if no, what are those capsules? how did they came here? already damaged?

If someone have some informations I’ll be glad to hear them ^^


back with more informations on the hunt

  1. 0 to 4 capsules in same pocket (some can explode)
  2. the capsules are actually considered viable ship protected by concord
  3. guristas reinforcement can come 3 to 5 minutes after the death of the last one.
  4. capsules can be salvaged as if they were a locked container, will try on a not looted capsule and with differents tools
  5. A BS piloted by “Rakka Tahiri” can appear, this person is a agent for guristas and is listed to be living in a system [ref to give] but is not ACTUALLY there.
    More “bizarre” is that the fact that he can come twice in the same spot. Could it be that the guristas have medical facilities everywhere?

can someone tell me if other capsuleers come in défense of the guristas in others security status? I have currently a lot of work to do so I can’t fly my spaceship so often that I would like to ^^"

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I’ve seen 3 :slight_smile:


thanks for the info
One of my contact saw a BS come and go after clearing everything but didn’t thought of noting the name, I’m trying to confirm it


Capsule fragments and cracked capsules where capsuleer died are common on dangerous or very travelled routes like in Jita and around it, or in war zones. So this may be the main supply of those materials. Where pod kill has occured, there will be a capsule fragments or damaged capsules. Guristas probably bought those fragments as scrap to use them in some project. As for whole capsules, I think they could have been obtained by some connection to capsuleers and by bribing them they could obtain some supplies of whole ones. There may be some other ways, illegal, to obtain them. Like stealing from a warehouse or robbing a freighter.


Maybe the Guristas are trying to turn all those pirates who man the battleships in Havens into capsuleers to prevent their loss of personnel.


Or maybe these are gurista produced capsules. :thinking:


thanks for participating!

The “scraping” would explain why some of the capsules explodes.

I also thought of the “guristas manufactured capsules” and given their relations with the valkyries, it could be a following of the programs.


I did a little thinking about the “guristas crafted pods”

I don’t think that’s the case because, if so, they would not be protected by Concord, unless of course they managed to fake this too, but I would find it hard to believe.


It’s a continuation of a Hunt two years ago. Back then Guristas stole the whole deal; capsule and pilot, and we were tasked to hunt the kidnappers & rescue the unfortunate eggers.
Now it’s a bit different, Guristas resorted to stealing empty capsules. But because even empty capsules can yield progress to the Gurista research, we are still tasked with hunting them down & recollect the empty eggs.

As far as I could tell, the Detention centers are merely initial gathering points for the stolen capsules & are later transferred to lowsec, to Gurista transportation hubs, who contain alot more stolen capsules, but are guarded by a Gurista dreadnought. So gear up if you want to take that on. And mind your fellow capsuleers who prefer shooting you above the Guristas.
Aurora News article: The hunt for the Guristas


It still bother me that Mr Tahiri can come twice in a row…

I don’t know but keep finding it odd.
[OOC: I know it could simply be a bug but it has been 5 days and still not corrected so really odd ]


They’re pirates and care nothing for the law. Perhaps they are activating multiple clone copies of the same capsuleer at once.


Well, I agree with that but still…

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I believe it was a bug and I rather liked it, two kills twice the possibility of Skins, The Cerebral Enhancers and the Mod loot. Yesterday I ran 4 sites and he only appeared one time each, so I think CCP realized it and corrected. Oh Well. Now I am trying to figure out where to turn in the eggs that I have rescued.

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[OOC: I knew it was probably a bug but I found funny to speculate from a “in character” ]

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