Why am I seeing this Non-Capsuleer Log -Off Timer?

I noticed this timer notification when I got back to my station when doing a newbie mining mission. Did this happen because I blew up a couple of NPC ships who came at me when I was mining? I was docked when the timer ran down to 0:00, so nothing happened, so I’m confused as to the purpose of this notification.

see EVE Support - Log Off Timers for more details.

This is related to the NPC ships you destroyed, correct.


Ah, the timer is so people can’t just log out of an active battle, even with NPCs. I misunderstood what it meant. Thanks for the link!

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That timer exists so you can’t pull the plug on your internet or exit the game in the middle of a fight in order to keep from losing your ship…



This one is another yellow timer clock:

Be careful: When you undock after being podded the timer still lasts, and especially in Jita you will be blown to pieces within seconds.
So yellow with “!” is ok, yellow with :skull_and_crossbones: (skull) can be dangerous.

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