Why antigank?

I have charged up a beach in France and shot 400 Germans. The reason I was never arrested for this heinous act is…I was playing a soldier at D-Day in Medal Of Honour. Come to think of it…I never got a REAL Medal Of Honour for any of this so should complain.

I was playing monopoly and someone landed on my hotel so I had to charge them, but they cried and cried and said it would bankrupt them,and I felt so bad but I called the police to break through the barricade and throw them out on the street. I know it says a lot about what kind of person I am in real life, I just wanted to win the game, but I go to church now and I’m really scared really really really scared that I’m going to hell.

:fire: :princess: :fire:

HELL of alot more fun than playing a harp.

Ya bro, I’m certain the only acceptable game that the 176,999 of us play involves rolling hand grenades around in a circle, or sleeping in the rain or snow. Cold but good chow. That’s the game that I think is acceptable.

Then one must not have any moral standards in real-life and must be absurd.

Dryson, when you play Monopoly, and land on someone’s property and have to pay rent - do you start lecturing them about real-life economics and landlord-tenant relations?

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Why would I have to pay rent on a property that I will only on for a few turns?

Monopoly sounds more like moving around a board and handing out money to landlords, without actually seeing the inside of the rental. So yes.

So you can’t even play Monopoly without this drama?

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My question is, why are there members of gankers going around Tik Tok, especially the Flat Earth channels and telling people who are flat earthers who the members of Eve Online are by correlating their in-game name with their real name?

What are you going to do about it?

So , are you confessing to using Tik Tok to boosh or doxx players from Eve Online? Because if you are, then you are engaging in using websites to gather data on people to use against the person, outside of the game. That is rather, criminal.

Aiko a criminal ? Really?

Next you will be calling her a ganker

With your group being part of that nonsense anti-life existing outside of life thread, I’m certain that your group is also part of the flat earthers Tik Tok.

Aiko already confessed to being part of the Tik Tok a.k.a. ‘Flat Earther’ group /…Bonus Room group.

Can I hold you to let you know that someone cares?

Logic isn’t your strong suit is it?

What you did right there is called:

The false equivalency fallacy.

Give it a look up. Learn from it.

He won’t

Sad really

No idea why people pretend the Earth isn’t flat.

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You can’t use the r-word here.

Until I get reprimanded on it, which I might, I am using it in this context.
I really tried to find a better word. I tried. Just… no other word really does this whole thread justice.