Why antigank?

I haven’t asked for any, so: “No!”

What word? “Ganking”? Yeah… I think it shone an unrightful light on the people involved.
I mean… this is a whine thread against people that are against ganking… I love it. :slight_smile:
Just because of that . :smiley:

I still take pleasure in you having opened a thread against anti-gankers. You cannot ever come back from this. There is just no way. A Ganker whining about anti-gankers. This is literally the best.

I feel like a good reading comprehension question might be:

The purpose of this post is to:
A) complain that antiganking is too powerful
B) mock antigankers for being incompetent
C) chastise plebs for using the r-word
D) encourage Dracvlad to tell another story
E) both B and D

You could probably discern someone’s IQ by their answer.

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Whatever floats your boat

The fun thing is: I do not have to float this boat. The whole topic was made up by you people. Try to keep it alive 07
I am fine with how ■■■■ is. Enjoy.

It’s me. I’m testing a forum bug.

You think CONCORD are A.I bots? No wonder their response time is optimal.

When you become CEO, can you please bring back Bounty System? A space pirate game without bounties is like a pub without beer.

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Bounties are not allowed, they were a griefing tool used to abuse poor rookies and make them quit the game.

@CCP_Swift Sorry to bother you friend, just curious if there is any plan to restore the bounty system, which I believe was temporarily removed until November 2020. People keep asking me, and I don’t know what to tell them, but a game with space piracy really needs a bounty system! Kinda hard to be a bounty hunter without that…

I asked the CSM, but they said to ask you.


What did you expect?

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@Aiko_Danuja we hear you loud and clear. Exciting new mining bounty anomalies will be coming in the next expansion just as requested, as well as other bounty-related features like bounty SKINs and EVE’s very own version of the Bounty chocolate bar gracing in-station advertisement projections alongside the already-established and beloved mot mot! I hope you’re looking forward to all of this just as much as we are!

Sorry I meant to post that on the other account how do I undo? Oh god Hilmar is going to clamp my nipples again…

Yes but you like that :smiling_face:

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I’m not sure about that.

I got spanked by Drew when I pinged him to alert him to the dude that was making racist, homophobic and RL threat of violence posts. He said,

Flag the posts. Don’t ping us.



It would seem there is some sort of procedure and they look at the posts?

@Ax_l_Thorne An A.I can certainly do all of that.

I heard that you do aswell police girl.

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No it suggests that they can’t be arsed to look into it , so flag it for a bot.

Well yes but not by Hilary, I’m picky

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