Why antigank?

Ah… since you took half of a sentence out of context (which is what you kind of people tend to do)… sure… it is an invitation. I just didn’t put an address on it.
My corps has a home system… look there. I assume you can do that, no?

It doesn’t sound like you want me to visit.

I think I will start to flag none delivering posts as according to the rules.

You may do as you please, I hope you are delivering with your posts?

I do not think posts are the means to deliver here.
If that is all you do… okay with me.

Oh, ok, what are you here for?

Shut you down in the forums, if that is even possible. None of your posts or comments is valuable, tbh. I have seen comments of all kinds of people making a point for and against ganking… some are even good. Yours have never been among them.

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Woah, that’s kinda rude.

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You guys are overdoing it, and everybody gets to see it carved in stone in these forums. For all eternity.

Yer mean!!!

Ganking makes Pilots quit mining.


You do like to yap your gums.

You do have a false sense of importance, but in reality are nothing more than an annoying insect.

I was on the brink of handing a 2 week old noob 100m for the mining permit, earlier, until he announced he had 3bn ISK…lol. Those darned ‘pay to win’ people :slight_smile:

Since you’re a stickler for the rules, you should probably be aware that backseat moderation is also forbidden by them.

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Clearly trolling, which if I recall is also forbidden

Talking about a false sense of importance. HS gankers view their actions as freeing HS from mining, they call their actions, the same as a Savior.

Not even true, because the gankers make up their constructs to facilitate a reality that does not exist.

As long as the gankers are kept on the forums, they are distracted from ganking.

HS gankers will never permanently go into Low and or Null for one reason, the ships in Low and Null will fight back. HS gankers are bullies who attack ships that are not able to defend themselves to the point of failing the gank.

The reason HS gankers issue mining permits is simple, the miner who has been ganked and has a mining permit will not help other miners but are more so likely to direct gankers to a group of mining ships while appearing to be friendly.


We have fifteen minutes between each kill, that’s forum time.

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And by that logic all noobs magically have 3 billion isk, no?

We are having too much fun in High Sec. You should try it.

I am guesing that you do, yes?