Why antigank?

We can see what in the end weighs higher and make the result public. I have no problem with that.
There are only two way this will go for them.

I have more than that due to the blessings of disposable income.
But I also have been playing this game since around 2010.
Most newbros do not have that luxury.

As a 2010 player, you shouldn’t be bullying new players like me.


You are right. I probably shouldn’t :slight_smile:

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You should appologize in person, bring her some of your fireworks

You’re not the first to think that you’ll come in here and clean up house by getting all the “griefers” banned.

In fact, I don’t think you’re even in the first 100,000.

There I fixed that for you!


You Monster can’t sit there in station waiting out your criminal timer and try to tell us that what you do doesn’t stop a miner from mining.

Ganking does not save any miner from mining, it just changes the type of mining the pilot does in the future.

There is an old saying here where I’m from; “you can take the person from the city to live in the country but you can not take the city out of that person!”

Or in your case;

you can take the person out of the ghetto but you can not take the ghetto out of the person

You can’t take the need to mine away from a true miner, you can just change what, when or where they mine.

And who would that be?

Actually you can with Gankotherapy.

Here’s something interesting to think about.

HS gankers waste a lot of time waiting for the opportune target. I have watched numerous freighters and Orca’s pass through a gank system without being ganked, even when the gankers timer has expired, the gankers just sit in the station. Taking a break? I don’t know.

But what I do know is, all of the time that gankers spend ganking, losing ships and sitting in a station for 15 minutes really is wasteful. The amount of ISK that the gankers could have made, from the beginning, would have been tripled the gankers wallet at this point.

Ganking, like mining in High Sec, is rather effortless. Mining is actually easier, simply point to an asteroid belt, warp to the belt, deploy defensive drones and then mine. With the mentality of the ganker in High Sec being to destroy everything possible, no one would dare approach a High Sec mining operation and not expect to ganked by the ganker mining op. Two or three mining barges and or Orca’s protected by 10 ganking Catalysts would yield the gankers an easy two or three hundred billion ISK in two weeks, all at the expense of not having to wait 15 minutes for the timer to expire.

Here is a little math problem for the gankers to solve. HS Sec simulation.

For every 15 minute timer that the gankers have had to wait after a gank, how much ore and or ice could have been mined in those 15 minutes, by 15 barges? The highest value ore would be mined out first then the next and so forth. Multiply the ore yield by the highest Buy price minus any lost ships.

From the very first gank to the most recent gank, how much would the gankers have made if they were Asteroid Gankers instead of ship gankers? A lot of ISK.

The mentality of the ganker is to get fast cash to pay their accounts so that the ganker does not have to spend real money. If you look at the offset of the loss in ships and modules of the gankers due to the gank, you also have a lot of lost ISK that could have gone into manufacturing and structure building to increase the range of the gankers influence in mining regions and thus increase their profit.

What do you do with isk when you have plenty?

Kinda boring though…

Have you ever met a ganker?


I don’t need to meet a ganker. Their actions speak louder than the Bonus Rooms the gankers operate.

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We call it the Extra Room now, for legal reasons.


Give to princess?

You know as well as I do that the economics of ganking are not just the immediate ‘profit’. The wider profit is power, influence, and don’t forget those mining permits in the case of Safety. And…ganking is fun too !

When I have ganked with AO10 ( Absolute Order 10th legion ) it has been far more to do with local power and sending a ’ you are mining in our territory ’ message than about profit. The gankee is invited to join the corp if they don’t want to be ganked again…which is a ’ you are with us or you are against us ’ thing similar to the ‘permits’ other gankers do.

So to argue that gankers could be making far more profit sort of misses the point.

What territory is that then.

It’s ok I found out

You don’t get it, do you?

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A bait post from a member of Safety. Your opening sentence is terribly constructed (I didn’t read much more, so can’t comment on the rest of it) Apologies if English is not your primary language.

Sounds like it isn’t yours. Dr Keena recommends her English Comprehension classes - 1 billion isk.