Why antigank?

Frosty sweetie, you didn’t stop a gank.

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No I did I was at the gate and they saw that then they all warped off.

Only Dravclad has that power


Poor little guy is addled.

I learnt how to stop a gank as I watched @W_B_Lamington while I was targeting his pilot.

You keep saying it, but you haven’t provided any evidence beyond altered chat logs and a sockpuppet alt.

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You are doing all this to impress her?

It’s not that hard @Iceacid_Frostpacker .

You can provide a screen shot.

Or even better a video of you stopping a gank.

Here’s how to do it.

Download OBS, it’s an open source recording software suite, set it up -very easy by the way. And easy to use-

Hit record when you’re playing. Stop a gank. Upload the video to google drive and/or youtube. Provide link and bingo-bammo, you have evidence.

Why is it you anti-gankers are so intent on not providing evidence? It’s very suspect, and it makes you out to be liars, even if you are telling the truth. But we will never know because you refuse to provide evidence.

Stop shooting yourselves in the foot and start giving credibility to your claims and actions.

Even @Ax_l_Thorne can use it and she is only a 13 year old girl , so no excuses

  1. I’m 12 years old.

It’s not that AGs are never able to stop a gank that’s the problem. It’s that they make it seem like very occasionally being able to do so somehow invalidates the countless other gank attempts that were successful. They hoot and holler “gWanker fail, ha ha!” when some bot aspirant is able to thanklessly warp away, to resume their AFK “gameplay” another day. “Gankers always fail!” after all. Meanwhile, AGs have like a 0.5% success rate while the gankers have tens of trillions on their zKill. It reeks of desperate Dracvlad behavior. But, I guess, when you’re the laughingstock of the entire community, you really have to make the most of what little you can get.

I’m honestly not sure they can stop a gank.

It’s of course theoretically possible to antigank, quite easy in fact, but it requires basic competence. Unfortunately, nobody who knows how to antigank has any desire to do it. Why would you help AFK players? What’s in it for you? It just makes no sense. Most of the antigankers are poor, which makes it even more absurd. Why help billionaire freighter pilots get rich (while AFK), and meanwhile you have to spend hours and hours grinding away for nothing? Sounds boring to me!

I’ve asked why, and none of the antigankers has even attempted to explain. I don’t think they know why. Perhaps the reason is they simply can’t figure out anything else to do. That’s clearly the case with Dracvlad, Githany, and Frosty - none of them are capable of doing anything more than sitting on the gate, and they struggle to accomplish that. It’s sad though, cuz they could just join our fleet and have fun - but they prefer to wallow in this misery of their own making.

On a good day, they wind up sitting in Uedama hoping something red and flashy warps to them. That’s it. That’s all their gameplay is, sitting on a gate and waiting to click on my name. They are totally dependent upon me for content, and the rest of the time just furiously orbiting the gate and pretending they aren’t salty. Very exciting! There’s no strategy, no tactics, no teamwork - just literally doing what they are all doing right now, sitting in Uedama and hoping I warp to them. I can do that, or not, it’s up to me (not them.) If I’m in the mood, then they get a couple million isk killmails, and I get a 10 billion isk killmail. Afterward, they are back to waiting for me to feed them.

Sometimes a gank doesn’t succeed, but it’s always because of something like “Drunk Don didn’t undock” or “Sassy Sara shot the wrong target again” - it’s not the antigankers stopping the gank, although they pretend they did. Even then, while they are celebrating “freighter saved” we are ganking the freighter elsewhere (as was the case with Githy’s Ark). I’m struggling to remember a time antigankers accomplished anything, like once they shot my Catalyst… but I just got a new one and killed the target - so maybe they delayed the gank by 30 seconds, but they certainly didn’t stop anything.

That’s why I think of antigankers like flies that hit the grill of a car - they can celebrate slowing the car down, but the driver honestly didn’t notice. So why do it? Why? From a community which VOWED back in 2012 to exterminate the gankers, and pipebomb us out of existence, I’d say they have failed. No idea why they continue to waste their life, as there is definitely better content and more fun to be had in this game (and outside of it).


They do it because they’re so deep in the sauce, that stopping now would mean admitting that they’ve been playing the game wrong for the last decade and a half. It’s basically the sunk cost fallacy in action; they have to keep doing it because they literally can’t stop now.

And to be fair, their efforts have indeed hampered ganking considerably. We’re down to somewhere along the lines of 15-20% of ganking volume per capita compared to a decade ago, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the AGs’ constant efforts and vigilance in terms of complaining on the forums until CCP nerfed ganking into its sad state today.

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Had both Drunk Don & Sassy Sara received proper training at being a ganker?

Antiganker tactics outlined below


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…and there’s the type of antiganker who really just wants me to like them, like maybe they can get my attention and we can be friends, but they just can’t seem to understand that it doesn’t work that way.

Could have been you Frosty

0.5%? We’re not that good. :rofl:

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No, I said to post the number of player ships that NPC’s have destroyed in High Sec, starting from the first day that CODE/Safety started ganking, all the way through till today, comparing the number of player ships that the High Sec gankers have destroyed.

You are able to make the distinction, I see we are making progress.