Why antigank?

That would require a data dump that we simply don’t have access to, but just looking at a prime time sample of an hour or two, the ratio appears to be about 100:1.

Actually it was Darin, and it was a war decker multi-boxing a fleet and bashing an Athanor. Still it was fun.

Reminds me of the gankers reaction to AG blowing up wrecks.

How many years ago was that?


  1. Purposefully shooting or otherwise sabotaging another player’s well earned booty in an online game.

  2. In online gaming, someone who takes pleasure in creating grief for an opponent via various “cheap” tactics.

OMG!! Dracvlad griefed my entire gank world

by Zaera Keena January 7 , 2024

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Dracvlad thinks it’s okay to guilt-trip CCP into nerfing ganking every couple of years to make it take double the accounts to destroy anything, but literally up and quit the game permanently when he couldn’t use a single T1-fit Thrasher to pop a hauler wreck anymore.

But then again, it’s Dracvlad, so what did we expect?

Dracvlad just didn’t have what it takes to succeed in EvE Online.

Griefing on griefing in fact.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Tell Aiko about how she should fit countermeasures on her gank fleet.

Next he is going to start whining that warp core stabilizers and bulkheads give gankers an unfair advantage.

Prophet - the toothless old vamp was clearly having a good laugh.

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I made her fit a warp core stab once hehe

Did you? Or is this another tall tale?

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Did you do this, Aiko? Did you use the forbidden module? You know what the rules are…


I’m confused why Githy even thinks this is an accomplishment.

I’m starting to think the antiganker crowd considers “logging in” as an accomplishment.


Nah, it was the price increase that did it for me, I could not justify it as I could only play Eve with two accounts and that was a bit much for what I felt it was worth.

But in a way you are correct, because AG is not especially fun or engaging because CCP nerfed it, as if it needed nerfs, in fact it needed some tender loving care from CCP. There are very few people doing it now, and most of them are doing it every so often when the mood takes them, which is not often.

This was a public service post.

Why should AG be fun or engaging?

You’ve never explained why protecting AFK players should be fun, or something that anyone would even want to do.

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I was told that AG was less fun than licking windows. Not wanting to be blindly told how to play the game I put that to the test. I licked a lot of windows, and AG is way more fun.

(Message me in game if you need your windows cleaned).

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