Why antigank?

We know, windowlicker.

That is a rather low bar, I used the comment that often, it was as interesting as watching paint dry.

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The best part about watching paint dry is that you get to eat delicious paint chips afterward.

Hence, the question - WHY?

And as I now work with paint I vouch for the above statement :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh yes she did , we started pulling to many out of her roaming fleets , our scout would look for there scouts , our fleet would try to workout which route they would take from staged system and wait, particular fun was had if you could pull the FC , gank fleets turned into something like beach Whale’s. One night she got away from us , only to be killed later down the line with the forbidden module , poor James .

It was fun but they counted it in the end .

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Waiting for paint to dry is not much fun. I agree with your other posts across the forums that quite often they would be AFK and do nothing sometimes for hours at a time. They say that they are great content, but not in my experience.

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Ag isn’t but being anti-pirate or anti-criminal is and naturally what you have call ag has stuck and became part of anti-pirate game play for me.

Only reason to push that style of play was to counter your activity to see if CCP would develop a gameplay that was interesting and fair to both sides if players wanted to resist.

Now to give them credit they seem to have started with the pirate factions entering into fraction welfare, this shows potential but we will see.

So , I pick my side of the fence to stand on you pick yours

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We even had a spy report once , ok ag fleet moved on be ready in 5, you can’t counter that , it’s funny how they call ag boring when they start the chain of boredom. But there you go :person_shrugging:

(Can’t wait to see how she or her lap dogs twist that, probably start with something like “oh I’ve been told” or "they said ")

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The Prophet again notates how the both of you are terribly bad pilots.

Not everyone pirates all the time. So is it with those who try to fight them.

Again, you are an inept field commander. Logistics wins battles and wars.

You failed at that, so you fail to even hinder their operations.

Your lack of skill is why most only cry to false gods to save them. You are unable to save yourselves.

Everyone burns in space eventually.


The people who sit on the fence or keep hopping over are the worst , no morals or backbone

In some instances yes but not always , we helped saved a structure from fraternity attack in low sec , our job was to disrupt logistics during their attack. Our side won that as their logi failed.

The last freighter saved I was involved in , I was giving the trig logi cruiser a try with one other t2 logi , we stopped the gank . Once the reps spoolled up it worked really well. I think that’s on YouTube if you want to see

More trash talking by a Dom/Gix alt at a guess. Does Aiko keep replying to me directly? Not sure why I am asking but I would find it amusing if she was.

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The gods have been making it almost impossible to be a pirate at all times, due to the incessant crying.

Before the most recent reality changes, piracy was a viable career. It slowly entering its last phases. Not because of capsuleer actions.

The Prophet doesn’t know who these people are. But one wonders why you are able to still have a valid opinion when you no longer live in New Eden?

Linky please.

Was Dom and Gix the same person and yes I see your logic

I’ll try and find it later , watch paint dry right now hehe

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I think he was, posting style is very similar.

Thanks, will enjoy it, I rather like that ship, if I could fly it as a Alpha would likely be playing.

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Trying harder this time but It shows , your right.

Yes it’s a fun ship , a bit pricey but the spool on the repper is great if you have the time, works well with a bust repper as a team m8

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I used to enjoy doing Trig content with the Trig HAC and that Trig T2 logi working together, but CCP kept on removing the content I enjoyed doing, one time because people complained that bots were running the content. Sorry Dracvlad, you can’t do this anymore because bots are running this, it was really seriously annoying.

I was having fun running that content and making more T2 Trig ships myself, was sad that they ended my fun yet again.

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So you tried anti ganking instead?

I am disappointed, no GIF?