Why antigank?

I identify as a miner/ganker/antiganker/frostpacker

On more than a few occasions, Aiko would open trade with my ganker alt to supply those warp core stabs.

/wordsalad :snowflake:



You are just a miner sweetie.

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That’s it

It was a Bowhead


That’s the most disturbing gif you have ever posted

You like it ?

Now tell me; Is it a woman, a dog, an axe wielding homicidal maniac or an anti ganker?

pls stop spying & stalking me

It’s going to force frostpacker to really become angry and start antiganking!

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There already are two sides: there’s me, and the miner. The miner is completely free to resist, and they do - but why should you be included in our content? If the miner wanted to fleet up with you, they would, but they don’t. Sorry!

Why should CCP hand free wins to you? Why should they make changes so that it is harder for me, and easy for you? We don’t owe you a “fair” or “interesting” fight. The last time I saw you, you were furiously orbiting a gate, and I jumped through, but you didn’t do anything because you were drunk and on drugs. As per your own statement, you were so startled by me that you knocked your beer all over yourself, and then you knocked your bong water all over yourself as well - and then you fell out of your chair and nearly crushed Mr Binx (who had to go hide under the couch).

If you want to catch me, you are gonna have to try harder, instead of whining (for years now) about how “unfair” it is that I supposedly used a warpcore stabilizer (which I am allowed to do). Maybe the miners should fit warpcore stabilizers as well? I’m certainly going to continue fitting my ships as I see fit, and if you can’t counter my fits, then maybe you should accept that I’m just better at fitting my ship!

CCP doesn’t need to add Harrison Bergeron style handicaps, to slow me down and allow you to catch up. You just need to do what gankers do, which is put in the TIME, the EFFORT, the ISK, and most importantly GET BETTER. Also, you are gonna need more accounts. If you can’t get your fleet numbers up, then you must accept that the community doesn’t support what you are doing. Social failure is YOUR failure.

I think YOU are the one who can’t counter it.

This is a video game. This has nothing to do with morality.

They are not the same person - how are you going to stop us, when you can’t even figure out who we are?


Frostpacker imagines the sound it would make when hiting the capsule of an Amarr citizen with a ball peen hammer.

Haha, epic griefer salt! Looks like yet another gWanker fail. AGs win again!

Great save.

You not in her league sweetie. Now be a good boy and stick to mining.

If you want to really defeat the High Sec ganker, their Achilles Heel is attention.

Simply go into your Preferences / Users then add each High Sec Gankers name to your ignore list. Time span?

Forever…like a blackhole.

Ah, but you can’t ignore us, because then you’d no longer be an antiganker!


(also, you keep posting at me)

Forever…like a blackhole.


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Dang, CONCORD ate well that night.


Of course you can use one it’s just so hypocritical that you needed to use one at all. James did write the code you know and his thought about that module are clear. I remember you using that as justification for killing a victim many times

You know I’ve never supported any of the changes to stop you ganking but your right on one thing , most of your victims are not into PvP and can’t defend themselves ,so trying to build up any meaningful resistance is hard , some try and do have a go for a bit but they never commit fully. also why we talk on numbers, in the past we have been out numbered , often 10 or 20 to one but we have more players in our fleets than you ever have. Ganker training spectre fleets have numbers but then you have to ask me not to be around haha , so your point on numbers is pointless , I’m sure you’re often all alone with your gank of alts

Like all video games you pick your role and style of play , how far you stick with it is up to the individual
You play an evil pirate witch , who lives to cause havoc on any player she can by what ever means , to many your a monster. I’ve never criticised you personally for playing that role , I don’t enjoy any of the things you take part in and almost play the opposite to you . That’s my code or morality for this game . Didn’t you once have a code you preached constantly.

I don’t see the hypocrisy of using a warpcore stabilizer (not that I ever would, or did), but why shouldn’t I do as I please? You can’t stop me.

You don’t even login!

What are you yapping about?

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Was on at the weekend , might be a time zone thing

Is that denial or do you have some condition (sorry if you do, read your old blogs)