Why antigank?

I can see you need to study the CODE.

First of all, whereas you claim that @James_315 is relevant to my ganking, you will notice that James repeatedly acknowledged that he is, was, and will always be a miner, “I got into a Bantam mining frigate to ninja-mine in lowsec asteroid belts… I [also] went through lowsec belts ninja-ratting at will.” As a miner, James had about as much insight into my ganking as you do, but at least he admitted it.

Like John the Baptist, James the Ninja Miner prophesied of the one to come, often writing about his fantasy kickboxing girlfriend, but James was always open about the fact that he was himself a mere miner. He wrote many long essays over the years, waxing sentimental about his mining days, and he even enjoyed a period of time as an antiganker! The story of James is not that of a perfect man, born in perfection and always perfected, but rather the story of a flawed miner who gradually realized that carebears need Safety. His acceptance of this is the Miracle of Halaima, when the icy scales were cast from his eyes, and he finally saw the miners for what they truly are - a pestilence.

Miner James understood the game, “If you’re in a money-making ship, you’re prey… Yes, it’s a sandbox, and no, your AFK Mackinaw doesn’t get to be invincible… [However], miners are not defenseless. A mining barge is unlikely to defeat a combat ship in a 1v1 battle, true. A pigeon is unlikely to beat a cat in a 1v1, and a gazelle won’t fare well against a lion… So why do pigeons and gazelles still exist, and for that matter, why do mining barges blanket highsec? You can succeed at evading your predators, or you can fail…”

Now, here’s the thing… “When pirates got too fresh on the gates, they discovered–much to their chagrin–that I was fitting Warp Core Stabilizers. As I escaped, it was they who howled about the unfairness of it all.”

So whereas Githy has spent literally the past three years repeatedly trying to shame me for allegedly using a stabilizer, and acting as if doing so is a betrayal of my ex-boyfriend’s decade old analysis of a game which technically no longer exists, the truth is that James was always a big fan of stabilizers and took great pleasure in the tears of someone like Githy. It amused him to warp on, leaving would-be griefers behind.

Here’s a thought - if I can catch someone with a stabilizer, how come Githy can’t? I just hope she doesn’t waste time chasing after me, because I won’t even be using one, and it would be really embarrassing to realize I don’t need to.


Yes they are, they consented to PvP when they undocked.

Yes they can, they can take steps to avoid being ganked. @Githany_Red, you are simply trying and failing to stop ganks to enable the lazy bears that refuse to take accountability for their actions.

If you get ganked, it is totally your own fault.


Which brings us back to the question of, “Why antigank?”

It’s not moral. It’s not fun. It’s not profitable.

Why do it?

I never use stabs, with the sole exception of DSTs. It is disgusting reprobate behavior.

Now you’ve opened yourself up to 3 years of being continually accused of having used a warpcore stabilizer at some point in the distant past.

I don’t think we’ll get around to that for quite a while, because they have like…three other PvP losses they can make fun of me for taking over the past few years because I’m really bad at PvP before needing to move on to some new thing about me to criticize.

hahahaha miner

Reported for killboard-shaming.

It would have been nice to teach them a better way to stop ganking other than crying to CCP that it upsets them and they must make it go away.

CCP gives us all the tools and we found loads that worked , like in the video I linked and that’s just two of us.

Perhaps miners should find a way to infiltrate Safety?

The Prophet can confirm they were not.

Dracvlad can’t even figure out high security pirates won’t fit ECCM modules.

Yet you are still here, whilst not living in New Eden, and expect your opinion to carry weight.

Except that doesn’t make your ship ignore the antimatter.

The Prophet understands you are fragile and that words hurt you.

Blocking someone is the ultimate form of cowardice. You could die a million times in space and not come equal to that shame of defeat that blocking someone brings.

The Prophet hopes you all are taking notes. This is how New Eden is meant to be lived.

Githany, I’ll offer you a truce and a way out.

Come gank with me.

We will hunt exhumers, cruisers, haulers, and force recon ships.

You can just leave your sordid past behind!

If you don’t have fun, you can quit the game again later.

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That’s not going to work. You’re going to need to offer a very comprehensive benefits package, and even then the odds of acceptance are nearly nonexistent. Here’s what I tried to offer in order to get well-known, elite PvPers to actually log into the game and PvP:

  • Offer of tens of billions of ISK for successfully PvPing
  • Covering account subscription fees (as the game is too expensive to be worth it)
  • Providing members/characters so they’d have more firepower/backup

None of this worked. The elite PvPers, unfortunately, still choose to not play, but rather only post on the forums to inform us about how elite they are at PvP, despite these incentives.

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Githany and all of the other AG in channel, put all of the gankers on your Ignore list, forever time frame, that way we can pull the ganker from the forums to Redditt where they will have an audience.

With the gankers pulled from the forums, new players reading the forums and decide to leave and not play because of the gankers comments will somewhat be re-assured that the environment is less toxic.

Like I said before, the gankers value attention and limiting that attention on the forums is one way to ensure the rookies at least have a chance to enjoy the game for a few months instead of going somewhere else.

AG is about stopping the gank. AG is also aligned to keeping new players subscribing to the game. And helping to rid the forums of toxicity by pulling the ganker to Redditt could help the new plyer experience.

If a new player reads the comments posted by the ganker and decides not to subscribe, then who loses out the most? CCP loses real money while the gankers believe they are wealthy in the game by washing themselves with fake currency that has been purchased with real money.

Do I hate losing ships? Yes, because I put real money into my ships, which is an investment in the game itself.

Ganking ships for fake currency to put the fake currency back into the game is not an investment in Eve Online at all.

Eve Online didn’t make it this far by gamers investing in the game with fake currency.

He’s full of it!



You have gankers such as Aiko on your ignore list yet still reply to them. Do you have a scale of ignore from 1 to 10?

I suggest you stop buying Proteus then , as judging by the amount you have lost ( 18 ) , you clearly don’t know how to fly the damn thing.

I lost a Proteus once. I ran into some REAL PvPers (unlike my usual non-PvPing victims that I grief), and they were just better than I was.

Make up your mind Destiny, self defense or griefing ?

It’s griefing when I attack my targets, but it’s self-defense when I am losing ships against REAL PvPers, because I’d never dare attack those on my own (because they are just so much better than I am).

I would love to join you on your epic amarr ganks!

And you offered them 10’s of billions of isk to join you?

Man, do they know how to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Could you offer me 1 bil isk to come gank with you?