Why antigank?

Destiny is afraid to offer me the same deal as Dracvlad, because Destiny knows I will immediately accept. Destiny only offers tens of billions of isk in guaranteed prize money to cowards that she knows are too scared to login.

That sound like a TV show .

And tonight on Come gank with me will be …

( I’ll let you imagine who ganks with Aiko a bit on the lines of Bear Grylls show)

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This is not fully accurate.

First of all, I’m not a ganker; I’m a griefer who harasses new player training charity organizations like Pandemic Horde and The Initiative.

Second, the money was offered in the hope that a cold, hard, calculating hunter would grief me out of the game, since I fully acknowledge both how bad I am at PvP and how detrimental I am to normal players like the elite null-sec REAL PvP warriors that I grief in high-sec when they aren’t in “PvP mode.” I would quit EVE myself like I really should, but knowing who I am, that’s unlikely to happen since my desire to niche PK grief players who are better than I am is just too strong, so I was hoping someone else would make me quit by force.

That said, you can join up. Just make a corporation and put it into my alliance when I’m back.

No, I don’t send you anymore ISK because I’m tired of Epeen making fun of me for being a simp, and I want to show everyone that just because I bought multiple units of your bathwater, doesn’t mean that I’m not a respectable, self-respecting individual.

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Oh you mean like @Dracvlad

I love this , one day when I have time I’ll do this too, or try

Does Aiko use lots of bath salt in her water, I hear bath salts are a zombie like drug, maybe that’s how she keeps her followers.

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Noooo. Hawking radiation emits the spaghettified remains of millions of miners over time.

Picture’s can easily say 3 words and sometimes many more

So, let me get this straight, you suck so bad at this game, that an elite nullsec pvper is terrified of facing you in what they call “real” pvp?

It’s like, you’re all things, yet absolutely nothing.

Like you have worth, without any worth.

Like a jumbo-shrimp.

How did you get to the point where you walk left, but are actually going right?

Teach me senpai.

Does it have to do with Aiko’s Bathwater?

This is why I like to fly off the radar where d-scan is my only enemy.

I’m not sure they’re terrified. It seems to be more a case of them pitying my lack of skill so much, that they don’t want to abuse me by engaging me in consensual PvP.

Not anymore, I’ve already drank it all.

Do you now, then why do you keep appearing on mine?

You not supposed to drink it lol, what a waste. And don’t be selfish , share it amongst your Family Members. I know, it will involve a tough decisions on who gets the ‘first dip’.

What if I tell you you’re a terrible at EvE, and a terrible person for playing EvE, and tell you that your scrub style pvp is ■■■■, and my null sec pvp is so epic that entire fleets dock up when my mug pops up in local. And in return you offer me 10 bil isk to show you how scrub your pvp is?

And I’ll toss in a whole bunch of ad hominem post attacks supported by a bunch of syncopaths sock puppet alts, and endless stories about how amazing I am, as a bonus?

Oh, and I’ll pity your lack of skill, to boot.

Sigh, it’s just not the same unless one of those people does it.

I appreciate the effort, but I need the original, genuine experience. It’s like all the difference between a real dominatrix whipping your ass, and someone only cosplaying as one with some budget fuzzy handcuffs and low-quality riding crops bought on Temu. It’s like…the heart’s just not gonna be in it.

It was worth a shot.

Well if you ever get desperate enough and willing to take a hit to your pride and ego, I’ll be waiting here with the $1.99 Temu plastic fuzzy handcuffs.

Aiko already keeps me cuffed most of the time, so you might want to put that money toward a pair of thigh-high latex boots instead.


The Prophet notates the hilarious thing is the most toxic of New Eden’s denizens are never pirates.

Oh really? Then why I have I witnessed “anti-gankers” be terrible to new players?

One supposes you have proof of this right?


The Prophet thinks this is a you problem. Your lack of skills is not our issue.

I said that the Goon player was better than him. Not me, can you guys get anything right?

As you can see in his response to fang’s post, Dracvlad has acknowledged that Destiny is better than Dracvlad. Based on this damning new evidence, we can now complete the Destiny v. Dracvlad war. It was previously in limbo, due to technical issues associated with Dracvlad not logging in, but this new statement can be construed as admission of defeat and consequent forfeiture. Congratulations Destiny! You have defeated Dracvlad in a real PvP, and are hereby awarded the 20 billion isk prize fund.

:partyparrot: :moneybag: :partyparrot:

Once again, Destiny has defeated a pilot who cannot shoot back.

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But it was my money to begin with…

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