Why antigank?

Maybe the same quick reactions feature for each post could be implemented from zKillboard here on the forums as well, similar to likes.




:rofl: you can’t even answer when asked … so typical :rofl:

If you read my post i didn’t say remove or prohibit ganking, i said it was too easy , so call me whining, i don’t care, you are whining yourself, because you don’t want your easy money to go away :man_shrugging:t3:

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Thx honey, best nickname ever :wink:

Im confused, does „EVERYBODY“ include or exclude gankers?

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Happy cake-day Io.

From what I’ve been reading, it includes anyone who agrees with him, and excludes anyone with a difference of opinion.

With a thin veneer of gameplay mechanics.


And thanks for the elaboration. It’s been a hot minute since the last „freedom for me and not for thee“ authoritarian argument popped up.

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My sandbox gameplay consists of knocking over your sandcastle.

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So why haven’t you ganked anything?


I think posting on the forums is too easy.

It should be nerfed, by only allowing those that pay real money (and not plex) to post.


Forum Ganking the whinebabies is most enjoyable.

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You are correct, ganking in High Sec is too easy. The fact that a -10 Capsuleer who always ganks in the same systems would have made the most wanted list that would alert the local Police Force to intervene before the gank took place. Granted a few ganks here and there and the Capsuleer is punished and off he or she goes. But when the list is so extensive that when a -10 Known Ganker enters the system, Counter-terrorism and LEO units would definitely pursuit and apprehend and wouldn’t have a mindset of, “Oh, maybe Johnny Trucking Along” changed his ways and has gone the way of the halo. B.S.

In reality, the NPC’s in a ganker High Sec system would have risen up and replaced the local governments for allowing nefarious High Gankers to commit the crimes they do when they gank.

Maybe a new gate alert system for High Sec should be developed. If a High Sec system encounters at least 10 ganks totaling over 5 billion ISK, one or the other, the gate into the system where the ganking is taking place would have a banner that reads ‘High Levels of Criminal Activity - Avoid If Possible’ that appears on the gate.

Thus is also where balance comes into play as per @Ax_l_Thorne mentioned on balance, I guess then it would have to go both ways for example; A new alert system for High Sec should be developed. If a High Sec system encounters at least 10 miners afk for over 5 minutes then their self destruct timer starts. :pleading_face:

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Is looking at the map too hard for you @DrysonBennington ?

Very good Frostpacker

As a reward I give you something to think about while you mine:

" This statement is FALSE. Is the preceding statement TRUE or FALSE? "

Take your time, I’ll wait.

It was a suggestion to have something like that added.

Your allegations against me are false and there’s that for you to think about!

Come to think about this @DrysonBennington to my recollection there was some kind of promise that we would be see more in game tools to aid our journey without the constant need to seek such information outside from the 3rd party websites!


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You may need to take a minute to think before you post your propaganda against Frostpacker.

/I am not the one who should not be named.

Btw thanks for the hug, I needed that!

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