Why antigank?

And then progress to Null sec, and become the ultimate PvP’er, an F1 Monkey.

That made me laugh. Nothing more deadly than a belt grinder. You amuse me @DrysonBennington .


Clearly it can be seen how ZK had deliberately taken snippets from Dryson’s comment above while trying to show a different meaning from the original.

Another failed attempt to undermine the antiganker?

Defending @DrysonBennington , how far you have fallen.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn: :blush:

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Well perhaps it is because you were wrong and Mr Dryson is right in that debate?

I am always right

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I would say, why the h… not antigank!? Especially in a HS system, where the consequence for the ganker is next to zero. Yeah you loose a cheap ship or two, while your alts can freely loot the wreck of the victim and the victim has no way to get back on the ganker.

Forget about the killing right, that is hillarious and useless. You cannot put a bounty on them, because you are severely limited in what you can do with that and forget about war dec, because they hide behind NPC corps or corps/alliances that are not war dec able.

I hear a lot of the bad excuses of being allowed to play the game they like, but that goes for the victim too … right? Then the argument of HS being boring without gankers … excuses me!! That is the most lame excuse i have heard. If you gankers want action, why not go to LS or Null sec … could it be, that in these systems, they fight back and can??

I am not complaining about the ganking, i am pointing out that it is WAY too easy to do so … example, why can you steal loot and ore from other pilots cans in space? You only get a 15 min suspect timer and can still dock up in stations and jump gate … this is one of the mechanics gankers use.

So i welcome the antigankers and say good work. Would love to see more doing this and even corp/alliances ganking the gankers … but they will probably whyne about how unfair that would be :wink:


What ‘victim’ ? I see no evidence you have ever undocked.

How would you know when you’ve never done any.

You might find it less boring if you actually undocked.

Yet another person with zero evidence whatever of any pew pew…lecturing everyone else on pew pew. It’s quite comical really.

Then surely you can quickly hop into a few catalysts yourself and generate a killboard with a few tens of billions destroyed?

What’s stopping you?

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You asume that i don’t have other characters in game, with lot of experience. You fail to see the bigger picture :wink:

Typical gank answer :rofl:

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And still learnt nothing

Not my kind of gameplay, thats why … isn’t it a sandbox where EVERYBODY should be able to play THEIR gameplay??

He says as he whines about ganking

Lol…the invariable ’ I’ve got LOADS of experience on some un-named alt that I wont ever post on’

Yeah, yeah.

Learnt what? Enlighten me ohh master :upside_down_face:

Oh, and why is that?

Because they don’t actually exist, or are yet more alts with no evidence of ever having undocked.

Again and again and again the biggest whiners on the forum are those with the least evidence of actually doing anything in Eve. People with chars that have not been active in years, or which have zero kills or losses, or noobs pretending they have vets alts…or…you get the picture.

You whine too much - suck it up buttercup.