Why antigank?

Gankers are all about ‘mining salt’. They get kicks from making other players frustrated and mad with the game. That’s why I don’t like them.

Some people say ganking (I’m talking about HS gaking) is a core part of the game, but I think that’s just a way to excuse trash behavior. Sure, the game’s economy and prices have adjusted to include ganking, but it’s not essential, as they try to push it. It can make the game exciting in some aspects, but it often just pushes new High Sec players away from EVE before they can fully appreciate it.

A lot of players seem to wear defending ganking like a badge of honor, like it’s some tough rite of passage – ‘HTFU’, ‘I’ve been there’, ‘if they can’t handle EVE, they should leave’, and stuff like that.

But let’s be real – most of the time, ganking is just about trying to annoy and upset players (mostly new players) using one sided unfair exploitative tactics.

So you get what you deserve I guess. Actually, the game mechanics don’t allow for us to give what you really deserve but we try to make the most of it.


What a load of rubbish, gankers do it for the money.

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Eve is about blowing stuff up. Gankers blow stuff up.

Happy to clarify it for you.

Happy to clarify it for you.

By your logic anti-ganking people would be against all forms of PVP.
They are not.
Happy to clarify it for you.

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That’s because anti ganking is not logical. It is probably one of the silliest and most futile activities in Eve.

If you don’t want to see any reason for being anti-ganking you can avoid to see it as you please. But there are reasons why I think that it should not be a thing and why that hinders EVE. A lot of people present many reasons for it. If you want to discuss it by just negating the opposite argument, that’s very wise sure.

Not complaining but the pilots who are ganked are either too greedy or not paying attention.

This is not about me me me, though I want it to be about ME when I think about ganking or getting scammed.

I started out in New Eden as a very greedy pilot.

I paid the price of losing to a contract scam then after dusting myself off I lost a few moon mining operations to war decs in more than a few systems within the first couple of years.

Lessons learned were worth more than anything I had ever lost to the point that I am able to freely hand away isk to improve my roleplay to control how I want to roleplay.

If others could see what they could really achieve when after they stop caring about loss to a ganker.

If they pick their own battles they would become the anti ganker.

I used to support it…a long way back. But then I came to see how silly it is. Why ‘protect’ people who are largely blissfully unaware they are even being protected…and for no material gain ? And do you really want to protect that appallingly badly fitted hauler that its owner made zero effort to tank up ? Why protect them from the consequences of being badly fitted ?

What’s more, I’ve gotten stuff through Uedama ( for example ) without any need of protection, simply by doing so cleverly. So really all you are doing is delaying the day when people will learn better methods. Protecting them is doing the reverse of helping them.

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Anti-gank ? Why not Anti-Wardec eh ? eh ?

Cause CCP already did that for them.

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CCP again ? They started pulling down warHQ’s ? Dayum.


You know exactly what I meant.

There’s no shortage of wardecs, is there ?

You already know the answer. It’s been discussed to death by now. Why pretend ignorance?

Lol … and then you show me video from Nullsecc … hillarious :rofl:

That include you my dear. If you actally read my posts and answers, i am not saying ganking should be forbidden. I am saying it is too easy in HS systems … please pay attention honey :kissing_heart:

Learnt plenty, trolls are everywhere :wink:

I know your personal vision on the matter of needing warHQ’s and structures to wardec an entity. That has indeed been discussed to exhaustion :slight_smile: It has an easy solution, you know. Join Blackflag or PIRAT or one of the others…

They only accept Real PVP’ers.