Why antigank?

Didn’t they just get trashed or something.

Temporarily halted (on some of ?) their activities for two weeks, since all the warHQs appear to be blown up now. Rejoice! small hisec entities. No wardecs for a while :smiley:

Nice to see people oppose them, battle fleets from low and high working together :blush:

Oi ! You forgot null ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Initiative was it but they didn’t seem to have any opposition but I could be wrong , heard it from a friend

Anyway null is always involved somehow :kissing_closed_eyes:

The tasks are divided among the participating groups. It’s possible that our group didn’t bash a particular structure that day, or didn’t have opposition, But they were active in some capacity or other (I wasn’t online that day, I think there’s an AAR on reddit somewhere).

The position of some nullsec groups on hisec wardec’ers is public knowledge.

Sorry which group are you with , not close to my pc right now

The Initiative


Thought so , sorry I forgot , they did bash something , with normally efficiency :face_with_monocle:

I found the AAR , it’s a good read if anyone wants to look


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Is that an actual group? I thought it was just a meme for miners?

Wait…what ? I’m not ready for my Wrecking Machine pension yet.

Dunno. But they have a great banana plantation ! Press F1, get reward kind of thing. :bananaparrot::banana: :bananaparrot:


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I don’t think WM did a war in like half a decade now.

Well they do say that they are chilled social fleets that prefer a laid back approach to playing EVE. Not exactly war mongerers. On the other hand they do say that they provide full F1 key training in their recruitment babble.

It’s basically a griefer alliance for weekend warrior dads. They have five wives, nineteen kids, and seven jobs, and only enough free time to log in whenever BLACKFLAG calls a CTA because they need help dunking some inactive noob’s undefended Athanor.


Each, or split between them? :smile:

So wait, hold on a second. Let’s analyze this for a second. Over the years gankers ganked enough miners for the miners to start ganking the gankers and, in doing so, revealed that the gankers act essentially the same way as the miners in similar circumstances. Color me unsurprised. Irony has a funny way of folding back in on itself and inverting.

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I made my own alliance, which is objectively much cooler than joining some dead carebear alliance. Just facts and basepills.

Your coolness is incomparable ! Objectively !

There never were any doubts !!


P.S. what’s your tax rate ?