Why antigank?

The Initiative


Don’t be silly. What do you think the 250 grandchildren and 15,000 great grandchildren are doing ? If the entire Zemara clan turned up for a CSM meeting, Iceland would tip over.

We have fun roaming fleets too (more jumping up than laid back) !! Us following the FC in his speedMonitor

FC, we lost one ! Malcaholica didn’t set her safety to green in hisec.

I always thought they were bananas

Ok, so we’ve settled that Init is not cool.

Is that a Meg-athron attacking ?


Depends which side you’re on. I bet you don’t do what our FC’s do after every fleet : instant rewards !!



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Are those ships really the fastest per weight.

/Speed tonnage or how it’s stated.

No, bananas are gross.

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Now that is the issue with the typical F1 monkey, the need for instant gratification

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can’t we all just get along?

We do really, it just seems we don’t , after all I’m Aikos big sister and Iceacid is the guy that once delivered aiko’s meds.

Sure we all have a connection somewhere.

Ganking Aiko ?


have to go with the times :smiley:

But I upgraded from a F1 key…


You do look cute in pink, you need a shave though.

Could you please elaborate what happens when a Ganker goes off their medication?

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Aiko and I stopped taking our pills, and we’re having loads of fun!


If I said you had a beautiful body would you stop screaming?