The Initiative
Don’t be silly. What do you think the 250 grandchildren and 15,000 great grandchildren are doing ? If the entire Zemara clan turned up for a CSM meeting, Iceland would tip over.
We have fun roaming fleets too (more jumping up than laid back) !! Us following the FC in his speedMonitor
FC, we lost one ! Malcaholica didn’t set her safety to green in hisec.
I always thought they were bananas
Ok, so we’ve settled that Init is not cool.
Is that a Meg-athron attacking ?
Depends which side you’re on. I bet you don’t do what our FC’s do after every fleet : instant rewards !!
Are those ships really the fastest per weight.
/Speed tonnage or how it’s stated.
No, bananas are gross.
Now that is the issue with the typical F1 monkey, the need for instant gratification
can’t we all just get along?
We do really, it just seems we don’t , after all I’m Aikos big sister and Iceacid is the guy that once delivered aiko’s meds.
Sure we all have a connection somewhere.
Ganking Aiko ?
have to go with the times
You do look cute in pink, you need a shave though.
Could you please elaborate what happens when a Ganker goes off their medication?
If I said you had a beautiful body would you stop screaming?