Why antigank?

Ganking is PvP.

Now if we take a ganker at random, such as @Aiko_Danuja

See seems to be much better at PvP than an ELite PvP’er like you, don’t you think?


as usual gankers words are lies

Gankers, you are part of an ecosystem
each component of the ecosystem plays as it sees fit to best achieve its objective
You maintain a pressure in HighSec that is part of EVE and thanks a lot for that
but creating a “lore” around yours activities is not necessary, it’s just lies
you are scroungers no more no less assume it

why antigankers exists ?
Possibly because some players want revenge
this is an emotional reaction, not a cold-blooded player’s thought
we are ALL in an ecosystem
gankers are not an exception to the general rule : a resource attracks predators

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Spoken like a true ALT.

All role-players are, essentially, liars. All actors are liars too, for they ‘pretend’ to be someone they are not in order to entertain us.

That you do not find the role-playing of some gankers entertaining, is simply a personal reaction, based upon your own tastes. The intentions of gankers have never been in question, and are quite obvious; most rational adult EVE players know the score, and those that do not fall prey to their own ignorance and/or arrogance.

You answer the thread title with ‘possibly because some players want revenge’. This is weak. If you actually listened to anti-gankers, you would find - as with gankers - that there is more than one motivational aspect to their playstyle. ‘Having fun’ is popular; ‘shooting ships’ is another; ‘discouraging criminals’, a third.

And that brings me back to my original point, the one about role-playing and acting. The goal of all these activities is entertainment. You don’t have to like it, Hontammi, but you should think more carefully before commenting upon something you clearly don’t fully understand.

Whether you like it or not, EVE players acting interdependently in the ecosystem you mention, is what fuels this game. Role-playing has a recognised and respected place therein, for factional warfare, for ganking and for strict lore-related playstyles. So get off your high horse and join in the fun!


They been watching too much Kick Ass. IRL they walk around in stupid costumes looking for somebody to save and end up getting mugged.

for me roleplaying is not liar, it is more like actors play
but it is only smoke hidding motivations
liars is when someone say it is white and everybody see it black : facts talks

Some gankers are writing here that isk is not their motivation, but “fun” (or something else ? )
very few kills are non-profitable, some are ok but it’s far to be a significant part
When I see the exact number of ships with exact fit to kill a precise target
I can say that most of the kills are result of a calculated balance isk lost vs isk earned
yeah it is fun too but this is color of the smoke

75% drop rate period is ending
Let’s say I will compare in a month number of kills, amount droped and destroyed vs last month
If Isk is the underlying reason or forlonged reason for ganking we will see those numbers decrease .
If it is fun only or goons recruitement the decrease will not be important

How do you know till you tried it?

As I look back to the good ole days, I’m reminded of all the groups that have emerged. Those were the Larpers, cosplayers, and FURYS - and one particular fish, aptly named after an animal that dogs despise. I recall the days when kids would dress up as Jedi and engage in backyard fights with plastic swords, or become wizards and knights, hurling fireballs at each other.

These children were not deceiving others or manipulating them for personal gain. They were simply immersed in their fantasy, knowing exactly what they were doing and who they were playing with. In contrast, online gaming has created a platform where individuals can hide behind their avatars, deceiving and manipulating others for personal gain.

As a real-life LARPER, one must have genuine relationships to enjoy and complete the fantasy. In EVE, however, all you need is a computer and multiple alts. The problem arises when you have an excessive number of alts, making it difficult to maintain character and authenticity. The real individual inevitably emerges, leading to mistakes, forgotten conversations, and compromised relationships.

These individuals don’t need genuine friends to achieve their goals; they can simply load up their alts, manipulate situations, and present themselves as authorities. This behavior is often labeled as hypocrisy. Furthermore, they may use elaborate lore to justify their actions, seeking fame and notoriety to validate their existence.

In EVE, scamming and deception are inherent parts of the game, just as exposing these actions is an essential part of maintaining balance. When the truth is revealed, and individuals struggle to cope with the consequences, they should remember that they wanted this life.

Very Deep. But what you seem to miss is that ganking is just fun. You don’t need a group of alts (see WoW Rogue)


because it will affect my perception of the mechanism
stats will show it with no emotional effect
I don’t care personal reasons of X or Y
I want to see the shape of the mechanism and if it moved since last period

In EVE, ganking is a legitimate aspect of the game, just as some players find mining to be fun. However, when the game’s mechanics involve scamming, alts, and deception, the lines can become blurred, and players can get caught in a web of deceit.

It’s when this deception becomes a norm that most reasonable players draw the line. The betrayal and exploitation that can occur in EVE, as seen in the famous BOB incident, is a dark reminder of the consequences of blind trust. When players invest time, energy, and resources into someone they believe to be a certain type of individual, only to discover that they’ve been betrayed and robbed of their assets, it’s a real-life feeling that can evoke strong emotions.

Given the choice, most players would not want to experience such a betrayal. As such, it’s essential to establish clear boundaries and be aware of the potential risks involved in online gaming. EVE’s lore is built around the concept of betrayal and deception, but it’s crucial to recognize that these actions have real-life consequences for players.

Lol…the biggest deception of all in Eve is where people use some totally unrelated incident as an ‘example’. I mean, your example has absolutely nothing to do with ganking. So well done on providing a prime example of precisely the deception you are talking about :slight_smile:

EVE is a brutal sandbox

Your tears are delicious

Wasn’t meant to have anything to do with ganking it’s about the HYPOCRICY that comes with the LARPING and the deception that accompanies it. Ganking is part of the game just like mining or missions or exploration.

I am only responsible for what “I” say… Not for what you understand or how you feel about it.

I’ve heard it said that you cannot cheat (i.e. deceive) an honest man. Actually, I checked and it’s the title of a W. C. Fields comedy (1939). Still…

My own take on it is that, since many people are ultimately motivated by Greed (that is desire, for money, power, sex, popularity, advantage, etc, etc.,) and are not content to live in a modest way, they become vulnerable to exploitation by scallywags. Their greed makes them careless, complacent.

In EVE, the greed of the belt-miner, the hauler, the market butterfly, the explorer - makes them prime targets for my ganking and other fecund friends.

For example, if the belt-miner (my favourite) would prioritise tank over yield, he could still be ganked in Highsec, but would be a less attractive proposition than, say, the anti-tanked Mackinaw mining AFK in the system next door.

There is no hypocrisy here. Gankers are dedicated to preserving the edgy reputation of the environments in which they operate - and every rational adult in the game knows it (your reference to children’s play was wildly off-target).

If gankers choose to embellish their operational activities with examples of elite and richly entertaining role-play, that’s fine. As for their targets - there’s one born every minute.


The hypocrisy in ganking isn’t about the act of ganking itself, but rather the aftermath. When a miner is ganked, they’re often invited to the “why was I ganked” channel, where they’re subjected to a tirade of condescension and hypocrisy. The gankers will berate them for being a miner, implying that they’re not worthy of operating in high-security space, and that they need a permit to mine. Meanwhile, the ganker boasts about their own superiority, claiming to own high-security space and condemning mining as a scourge.

However, this is where the hypocrisy shines through. The ganker has an army of alts engaging in the very same activity they just ganked the victim for. This is not just a case of “game on” – it’s a deliberate attempt to manipulate and deceive the victim, using psychological tactics to make them feel inferior and powerless.

This behavior is reminiscent of the harassment that led to the infamous “bonus room” incident, resulting in multiple bans.

If individuals choose to fall for these lies and manipulation tactics, then they get what they deserve?. However, when those who engage in deception are revealed for who and what they truly are, then they also get what they deserve.

Calm down little miner.

Calm down GANKER have some hypocrisy tea.

I agree. They should be berated for being miners.

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Spoken like a true ALT.