Why antigank?

No-one chooses to be deceived, Sarcasim. If they were rational and saw the deception, they’d naturally evade it. It is not a case of their deserving to be deceived, but rather one of a successful and calculated deception achieving whatever the deceiver set out to accomplish. There certainly seem to be greedy, careless and complacent people born every minute - and growing into adulthood having learned nothing useful about such matters.

You seem to view the situation from the point of view of an emotional moralist. That’s you, I guess; I merely make the observation here, it is not a personal attack.

…which could only possibly succeed if the target felt himself to be…inferior and powerless. Against a rational and mature person, such a ploy could not possibly work. As ever, the trigger is with the gunman and the ammunition resides firmly within the target. There is nothing in the ganker that you won’t find in everyone else - except the means of expression.

You mention the ganker’s ‘army of alts’. Do you resent this aspect of the gameplay? You will have to explain to us why it’s bad for a ganker to have alts and not for a miner, incursion-runner or industrialist. I doubt you’ll be able to do so convincingly.

Nice lines. Who and what are they, truly? Do you really know? Or are you just venting about ‘bad people’ and what you think should happen to them? You’re short on detail, Sarcasim, and - I must say it - on insight.

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One of the most glaring examples of hypocrisy is when Aiko or one of his numerous alt accounts flaunts their supposed superiority in PvP, citing the Zkill Board as proof. They point to their impressive kill count and claim to be a master of the battlefield. However, we know that most of these kills are a result of their ability to exploit gate camps and pick off unsuspecting players who rely on tanking as their primary defense. They do this by using their vast array of alt accounts, subverting the defenses and tank and taking out their opponents.

This is not what I would call “PvP” in the classical sense. Instead, it’s a form of manipulation and exploitation that preys on the weaknesses of others. It’s like bragging about hunting baby seals on the beach and claiming to be an apex predator. You may be a predator, but you’re not the kind that inspires awe or respect.

It’s only a matter of time before others see through Aiko’s facade and recognize him for what he truly is – a master manipulator who uses his cunning and resources to get ahead.

I’m not an alt.

What you wrote here is called COPE, implying that my concerns are baseless and a reflection of my own insecurities. However, I’d like to argue that it’s not about the number of accounts someone has, but about the person behind them. It’s the same principle as recognizing the person behind the gun, not just the gun itself.

When someone is a hypocrite in real life and can’t even muster an ounce of respect from their fellow players in Eve, it’s a red flag. They need their alts to maintain a delusional world around them, where they can spin their lies and deception to keep their self-image intact. It’s not about hate or envy; it’s about exposing the hypocrisy and lies.

I don’t have to like it or even accept it, but I do believe in shedding light on these individuals so that others can see them for who they truly are. This is what I call being a “sheep dog” – keeping an eye on the wolves in human skin, not just within the game, but in real life as well.

exactly what an alt would say.

Don’t you have an alt?

Not one pretending to be someone or something I’m not. Not one that that I use to lie or manipulate others with or use to seek personal gain via deception.

I would never lie.

Bonus rooms are a no lie zone.

Everybody knows this.


Ur just mad cuz u got exposed here as the hypocrite you are. You came in all hot against alts, but it turns you that YOU are an alt!

Thats called deflection and projection.

Yah, I deflected it back on you.

Now what are you gonna do?

Get projected noob.

I’m not mad about my alts or the hundreds of the alts you have. I just enjoy pointing out your hypocrisy your lies and your deception.

The old “I’m rubber, you’re glue” mantra comes to mind. Whatever point you try to make against me will simply bounce off and stick to you, like a magnet attracted to the very fabric of your hypocrisy. This discussion has devolved into a intellectual free-for-all, and I’ll leave you to wallow in the mire of your own vitriol and self-deception. It’s clear that this conversation has reached a dead end, and I’ll simply allow you to continue to stew in your own juices, as the bitter taste of your own hypocrisy washes over you.

The ‘delusional world’ is more likely to be created within such a person, with external objects (other people) only required to provide what is called ‘narcissistic supply’. You’re talking about narcissism, of course, and not very coherently. I’m no expert, but even I can detect your tenuous grasp on the concepts you’re flinging about here.

I was not talking about you, personally, but about those who feel themselves to be inferior and powerless. I have no idea whether you are one of their number, and I do not care one way or the other.

I simply tried to point up your imperfect understanding of behaviours, your quaint moralising and your nauseating virtue-signalling.

No offence.


Calm down @DrysonBennington

Want to explain this?

While I laugh at this?

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What a diverting Friday afternoon (UK)!

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And it didn’t. It was a load of totally unrelated hyperbole that you brought in just for effect. You know…just like you are accusing the gankers of doing.

The very first advert for Eve extoled precisely that. You just need to re-acquaint yourself with the plot…


I am laughing at the fact that you @ me first instead of Dryson.