Who doesn’t want to play the part of Robin Hood every now and then? Who has the right to judge others for how they want to spend their time while playing a game? As with everything, there will always be good and bad people in the world. It’s on a scale really. Ganker to Anti-Ganker, might even depend on RL situations! It would be impossible to determine why people choose the route they choose, but that is the beauty of it all really. The game would probably be shut down if everyone chose the same thing, and the world would be a very dull, boring place.
That said, I lean more towards the side of making people happy, and/or bringing joy or happiness to others through my actions, and my feelings are a lot of people are with me in that regard. After all - WE ARE ALL GAMERS HERE, AND I BET MOST, IF NOT ALL OF US WOULD GET ALONG GREAT IN REAL LIFE GIVEN THE CHANCE - There are also the negative-impact leaning individuals too. They gank and kill indiscriminately at will. They affect the world just as much as others, but not always in the most “positive” way. Obviously, killing others sometimes has a VERY NEGATIVE effect, that can be challenging at times for some people to deal with. You never know, is that someone having a bad day? Did they lose a family member in RL? Is their job or a coworker pissing them off? Are they dealing with a breakup? Are they sick and suffering either mentally or physically? If they are, how is their home life? How is their health and well being? A long laundry list of reasons could be typed here, speculation on this topic could go on forever… but we don’t need that to understand why people do what they do. Especially not in this case. -=IT JUST IS=- the way they want to play! And that’s ok. Just so long as it is not taken to the extreme levels of harassment or similar serious problems that can arise from that sort of thing!
We honestly don’t really know what other people are going through. They may be experiencing amazingly good or horribly bad situations right now. Who knows? Who knows what they are really experiencing in their life… but I do know this: Most people do good in this world. It feels good while doing good. It feels good as well as rewarding being of service to others. Big or small, kindness usually begets kindness, and it usually can make someone’s day so much better with just that simple act. It’s a biological gift instilled in most humans, mammals and creatures on this pale blue dot we call Earth. Sometimes however, you just have to lean the way of “badassness” (lol) - and you need to take out that aggression on a lone miner or a system filled with pilots waiting to dock and unload their uber precious haul of treasures with their precious time they just spent out in space. It can make for a good time when you have the ability to spend 10-100 million on a ship, just to make billions in just a few quick minutes for shooting a digital spaceship! I call that striking gold, for sure. Sometimes I miss it. BUT it’s just not my playstyle. I like to help, not hinder people. AND LET’S BE CLEAR: Blowing up fellow pilots while they think that maybe they are safe & won’t get blown away because they are in HI-SEC space moving quickly across the nights sky trying to dock, all while trying to use those skill points to better their character for the FIRST TIME in months ---------- BLAP BLAP BLAP ---------- the artilley slams into your hull and POP goes the ship with your epic loot, that orange loot, the best loot in the game! GONE. Dammmitttttttt I’m sure they thought at the time…(they did) Traveling with multiple large skill injectors they just got too! Better luck next time dude/dudett! Good thing they are having a good day, and plenty of isk to spare - because IF they are not having a good day, or experiencing any one of those crappy situations up above, IT IS SO MUCH BETTER taking out aggression online in Eve and/or doing that in a video game than it is doing something really stupid or crazy in real life! If this is your playstyle, do your best to remember that we are all human and we all make mistakes. Every one of us. Plz be cautious at times and try to be somewhat aware of the feelings of others as you role play! Whether you’re playing as Jack Sparrow and you’re about to drop bombs on your enemies as you listen to Eminem sing about being a RAP GOD while dropping lyrical bombs on everyone else OR when you are flying around stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor as you are flying through space. “Robin Hood” is great fun sometimes too… and really - Who doesn’t enjoy flying around with police skins active on your ships while you pretend to be Sheriff of your town, whispering to yourself in a country-western accent: “Not in my town there slugger.” Have fun taking out gangs of criminal hostiles, arresting them all straight into the afterlife, or POD Land as I call it? Taking down groups of 5-10 people or that lone, not quite stranded, but definitely surrounded vessel headed back to their home base with their precious mineralzez? Yes please!
Thanks Eve for letting me role play sometimes and thank you as well for letting me chill, sit back during those other times when the thought of others feels burdensome or overwhelming! It is much appreciated for certain.