Why antigank?

You got a thing for him huh?

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You may want to pass on that since you haven’t had a kill or loss since 2023 and when you did manage to kill any of your friends it seems to be pod kills for exspress clone respawn.

Yes your right I took a break from eve but since coming back I’ve been playing on an alt partaking in another adventure.

I was only offering and trying to create some content for our selves

And I only think it may be content because I know Krig Povelli , I’m sure you checked his kb as you did mine , so it not an idle threat.

Anyway enjoy the content you’re creating for yourself.

And I’m still not sure why I would want to pass , is it purely on no kB activity from this character. Or do you have other info

When was your last kill or loss?

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Why is it, always an “alt?”

Care to share the details of this alt, or is it one of those ubiquitous, super sekret ones that engage in legendary game play, but can never be shared?

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I’d rather not if you don’t mind, it’s been two alts in the main , one looking into a large group to see how they operate and the other doing a bit of pirate faction warfare. For isk.

Hope to be on my main more after the patch

Githany Red disguised as a Frostpacker infiltrating Aiko’s Safety confirmed. :smirk: :blush:

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@Githany_Red is an alt, her main is a hairy miner

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Calm down miner hater…


Fang is fantastic

I do enjoy chats like this , it makes me laugh , you all do stuff like me with alts but when I do it it’s so wrong.

But we know how hypocritical gankers and friends are but keep it up , it’s entertaining

On the subject of alts , people who have multiple alts do you identify more with one than the others and when dose one become your main,

just interested in people’s thoughts


Not sure if you’ve meant to imply me as part of that or not but either way neither a ganker nor a friend, but have no issue with it either, it is part of the game and some choose that as their playstyle. Neither for nor against it.

Again not sure if you meant to include me or not but why not share a personal anecdote when at it. But first: just in case, I didn’t imply it is wrong or bad, was just cracking a joke.

So I personally never infiltrated a corp with one exception that might not even qualify as such, when I’ve applied to and got accepted into a public open russian corp, just so I can acquire and post on zKill the lossmails of some of their members who tried to gank my Not a bait™ container. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiling_imp: :smirk:

I am most identifying with Uriel nowadays as am most active on him (I only sign on to him through the official web authenticator as I don’t want to switch characters on the forums as it makes you lose some settings like the recently used emojis, as such also only read EVEmails outside the game through third-party webmail for this character).

My main is my original character that was meant to be my main since the beginning, it is what I acquire SKINs on, trained the full expanded alpha skillset on and is my main identity in-game and generally the one most active on and do most stuff with. (Nowadays only sign in like once or twice a month or even more rarely and only to my container owner alt to check up on killrights and that’s it.)

Some characters have more personality and personal attachment to them while others are more generic but over time some of them tend to be used and gravitate towards certain activities to eventually even generic ones may become somewhat specialized or outright focused both in skill (field of activities) and personality and attachment to them.

Still my main is my main to me and the rest are just more or less prominent alts.

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No sorry wasn’t implying you are a part of that in game and I appreciate the humour you add to the forum battles

I often wonder who I would go as if I ever went to Iceland. Maybe try it one day

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This is why it became easier to just refer the yourself in 3rd person.

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Well clearly I am my main as not only is Zaera fangtastic, but according to the mirror on the wall, Zaera is the most evil of them all. My alts are my minions, of which there are many, even more than the frostpackers. Seriously though, the frostpackers need to use birth control as they breed like rabbits.



Just wait till you learn that the person behind the Frostpacker clan has another clan of characters at his disposal… which I assume also increase in numbers over time.

:eyes: :blush:

Can you post on your actual characters, and biomass this one?

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When you signed up for EvE you consented to the possibility of running into Alts since CCP allows for infinite alt creation so it isn’t logical to cry about alts now. HTFU and Git Gud.

I suspect that you forum worriors all have alts and some here are alts like myself.

Let’s have a Alts party keep the Mains out, those guys take themselves way too seriously.

You would miss me