Why antigank?

Why antigank?
Why not, it’s a sandbox ain’t it?


Of course you can do whatever you want in EVE Online.

The question that everybody needs to answer for themselves is the following: do you want to spend 10 hours of your day guarding ISK trillionaires that are AFK watching youtube while their mining vessels generate them income, and even help them get richer by defending them from attacks?

…Or do you want to become a ganker?

In EVE Online, everyone chooses their own fate…

With potential regards
-James Fuchs


That’s nice.

Whether it’s ‘yes’ or ‘no’ the point still stands.
It’s a Sandbox.

You mean if I want to destroy ships? If the opportunity comes that I can destroy a ship I will, because it’s a PvP game.
There is nothing about Ganking in CCP’s ads so it’s all PvP regardless.
PvP in a Sanbox.

Whatever that means. I don’t know about any fate but I know what playstyle I like.

With Get to da choppaaa’s regards.

  • Ahnold Sfarsensplatter
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Become a ganker if like fun and mayhem.
Becom an antiganker if like being a tool that hates socialising and finds paint drying exciting.

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Will make a list for Monday 24th June

true that, especially the paint-dry part …

i following the antigank threads as this can also provide mayham and fun, unless the person does it is somewhat like you explained, then it’s just sad.

but the general idea to fly into a wasp-nest guns blazing could be fun too.

I find it strange how people go on about ag being boring and compare it to watching paint dry , when in reality ganking is just as bad sitting tethered for ages, if it wasn’t for Multi-boxing ganking wouldn’t be a thing in eve to the extent it is today.

Saying that , both sides are filled with insanely intense action that last for a few seconds, in the old days when a gank group was active they would gank almost on the timer , if you wanted to ag and had an hour free you would guarantee to get action. But not these day’s it’s a sad reflection of what it was.

Diving into a gank fleet at high speed to set off an Ew burst is great fun , seeing the gankers start to lock you and fire because they know what’s coming. With one ship if you get the burst right the gank fails.

What was frustrating , the speed it all happened, out of position even a bit on say a DPS ship and you did nothing to the gank, accept whore on concord , I in fact stopped using my oracle a ship with great damage because it was so range dependant , seen gankers bump a fake target of a gate just to pull you out of jump range to gank us. They understand what ships do what and try and counter you, naturally.

Although even then you still have the option of looting , only the other day I managed to get almost 100mil from a heavy gank fleet which use polarised weapons. Not bad for 10 minutes of play .

I do think many things in eve can be made boring by players especially if you chase the isk per hour efficiency play style.

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Perfect gif as always

That’s because I am perfect

Now who does that sound like :thinking:

Like a narcissist…

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Do the anti-gankers make any kind of a difference at all?

My therapist said I’m not a narcissist, I’m a hyperfunctional socialpath.


At least you have a therapist.

Well I have stopped many ganks solo and my team
No matter what the gankers say

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nah, just @Githany_Red

Yes , they give us all a good laugh

Do you really care what they say?

If you enjoy doing what you do then enjoy it without justifying yourself.
EVE is a sandbox after all.
If I feel like diddling in space doing nothing for 8 hours, so what? Sandbox means I do what I want without justification or excuses.



Yes she does as we are the reason for her existance.

Without gankers, @Githany_Red would become a miner, then biomass herself out of boredom.