Why antigank?

That’s not a fair fight. How disgraceful. Do you have no space bushido honor @Felix_Frostpacker? :thinking: A real PvPer would find a rock that can shoot back. :upside_down_face:

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But could you be the ticket man at Fulham railway station…

Hey at least he’s the sugar daddy of Aiko (or at least was for some time), spending billion ISK chunks on her, so if something at least that’s not a waste. :wink: :blush:

Doubt, that was all lies, frosty would never be Aiko’s sugar daddy, not ever!@!@!

Meanwhile Rodger had left Aiko’s fleet call out and had repaired his Security status and is now looking at mining rats, performing industry and other top secret adventures.

// @ Zaera Keena perhaps if you start being a good pilot frosty might reward you?

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That’s because you don’t earn enough


That’s Right! Just a tiny tadpole in a puddle of mud looking to wrestle with good pilots!


Looks fun, how do I join? :rofl:

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You don’t seem like an antiganker

Oh, no. I’m the gank target.

Who doesn’t want this character’s corpse in their collection? :innocent:


But you’re someone’s ex gf?

Ex Ganker perhaps :thinking:

Maybe yours.


Okay you ask for it!

OOC do you really want to dig up my past?

She asked for a divorce? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Answer my edit

I refuse. :blush:

Replied in OOC

That’s called OOP. :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you have to spoil the moment in which I’m currently in?

Bearing my soul may not be the right idea!

This is why you shouldn’t bring RL stuff to a forum roleplay thing. Keep RP as RP and not suddenly switch into RL subjects.