Why antigank?

Is that so? Because according to you gankers most people are AFK.

Yes, they play the game AFK.

Any other confusions?

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That’s what I thought.
Thanks for confirming.

That was a lot to take in so just to make a quick recap of whats happened thus far in thread.

To the casual observer
Anti-ganking is content-less content that leaves the one participating discontent. A thankless money sink that eventually leaves the participating party frustrated until they give up on it or quit eve all-together from absolute boredom.

Got it!

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Is that what happened to @Githany_Red, @Dracvlad, and @DrysonBennington?

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Yes the prognosis is grim Aiko, bored to death.

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@Githany_Red Left EVE to watch paint dry which she quite enjoys

@Dracvlad is currently in hiding because @Destiny_Corrupted challenged him to a duel.

@DrysonBennington didn’t quit , he just sucks. Got his ass kicked, kicked hard and fled to low sec. He is currently suffering from PTSD due to getting his ass kicked hard by CODE. and recently by Safety.


Thank you for the clarification Zaera :heart:

Its clear anti-ganking is bad for your health.

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The latter has not been active in over a year.


Yeah, he is terrified of losing to a girl, his fragile ego can’t handle it.


Face facts.

Gankers avoid null in fear of losing.

There is no honor in hunting bunnies with a bazooka.
It’s histrionic behavior.

You want respect without earning it.
It’s like demanding a Michelin Star for making a grilled cheese sandwich.

Come to null.
We will gladly sip your tears in Spirytus Rektyfikowany with an olive.



Hold up…

Whats wrong with grilled cheese?

I really hope your not trying to pick a fight with comfort food. I promise you it doesnt matter how many rick schwiftys you got you will lose its just too powerful.

Put some damn respect on its name.


The clue is in the name; Suicide-Ganking. It’s a Highsec activity. There’s no CONCORD in Nullsec, therefore there are no suicide-gankers in Nullsec.

I really don’t know how to make it clearer for you, but if you wish to persist in your ignorance of EVE’s game mechanics, please do continue.


I had to look up the definition.
+1 for teaching me a new English word.


Calm down F1 monkey

Try to think outside the BLOB

Oh wait, you not even an F1 Monkey, but a scared bunny with no Killboard.


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On the opposite, we are afraid of not losing our ship after killing our target :slight_smile: .


What we have here is a little yapping dog.



That disrespect on my grill cheese sandwich.

Ill admit it my kill board is awful but if i want to have good smoke and drink ill fly as many battlecruisers i want into the pink sun of hilaima.

Like wtf, who is this guy talking about being afraid when hes talking on an account he doesnt even fly on?


Spring Sky: I love grilled cheese! Don’t get me wrong.
The issue I have is demanding a Michelin Star for it. = )

Yes. It’s true I post with an alt. It’s not in fear. A soldier is supposed to stay in the foxhole. Is the one that climbs out and gets shot brave or ignorant? Is it cowardice to stay in the foxhole? If you lived in null you would understand how intel works. If you dig into google, you just might find me. Or possibly, I will tell you this in order to waste your time digging for nothing. Psyops 101. Sorry if you think I disrespected your grilled cheese. As a matter of fact I’m craving one now. :cheese:

Sasha Nemtsov: I am fully aware of the fact there is no Concord in null. I am aware of the mechanics in game. I’ve been playing ever since Learning was the first skill you trained. If I have any more questions that pertain to game mechanics. I know where to find you. All I have to do is lift Concords skirt. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Nemec Septentrion: Lol. I had to do the same thing the first time I came across it.

Zaera Keena: I am calm. In essence, we are all F1 monkeys. We used to play a game called “Last Man Standing” and use the same all alpha/no tank fits you guys use. We would all chip into the pot, and roam. Last pilot to die would get the pot. Am I scared bunny? Yes, I admit, when I have to fly my dread my but is so puckered, that if I fart only a dog would hear it. And correct, no killboard for your entertainment. No free intel. I don’t use it to post and I don’t need it. I don’t play to brag. My ego does not require a crutch. I find it ironic you would call me a F1 monkey. You fly a ship fitted for alpha strike, targeting a ship that has almost no capacity to defend itself. No honor. No skill required. Tell me what is the first key you strike when you engage? F1 perhaps? lmao.

Vokan Narkar: ← this guy is smart. Based on zkill he targets haulers. That’s where the money is. Let me rephrase that. MOST gankers avoid null in fear of loosing. There are a palm few of you guys that will venture into low or null. I admire those that do for their bravery and skills. He’s got the brass nuts to dive into W-space. Respect.

Zaera Keena: You a Scientologist by any chance? You use the same tactics. Attack, attack, attack. You sound alot like a simp/incel Aiko cult alt. Cute dog. Based on zkill, here is another that is brave enough to dive into lowsec. Based on 8 kills, this one is smart enough not to give away intel.

James 315 started the premise as role play. I can understand that. Limiting the amount of ore available in order to inflate the price is smart. It’s unfortunate that is has grown out of the roleplay realm, and into the circle jerk of back patting that it is today.

Those that respond here with attacks? I’ve hit a nerve. Calm down ganker. It’s like playing find the vegan. I know what is behind the attacks. Keep the tears flowing, I have plenty of vodka and olives. :cocktail:

If you let the miners mine, your disposable glass cannons get cheaper. You could learn something from Vokan Narkar. Freighters/haulers are way more profitable. Spending roughly 10mil isk to kill someone flying a 2mil is venture? Not so smart.

Ganking for an emotional response or ego boost? It just makes you a sociopath. :-1:
No honor. No skill. Vapid kill.

If CCP was smart, they would start selling daily mining/hauling permits for plex.
An after thought. “Concord Bribes” sold for plex as ganking permits as well?

I’m open to rational adult discussion.
Convince me if you believe I am wrong. Do elaborate.


Oh puleeeze…the correct term is “Deux tranches de pain au fromage grillé”…with some added mysterious green sauce, all yours for 1bn ISK at the Lai Dai Masterchef & Gankers Cuisine Restaurant in Uedama.