Why antigank?

Which is actually nonsense, as every ship in highsec actually has the invincible scramming and DPS power of Concord there to defend it. It need only last long enough, which in higher security systems is a mere 5 or 6 seconds.

Only yesterday, a Tayra with 300m in cargo was solo ganked in Jita…and upon looking at the killmail it was a mere 10K EHP. Just small enough for a solo gank from a Tornado. Within a minute I’d devised a 20K EHP version of the same ship…which would have survived the gank. Of course, it likely would not have been ganked in the first place as I know the ganker has ship/cargo scanning modules etc.

And that’s where you anti-gankers always ignore the element of tank and other means of defence. You always present it as the lie of ‘poor defenceless ships’. And yet…I’ve gotten totally unarmed 500m ISK ships through Uedama. I’ve flown my 1.6bn ISK Nightmare through Uedama…a lot of tank but then 20 or so Catalysts could defeat it and the turret tracking would never lay a scratch on them. Several of my 18 chars, including this one, even live in Uedama and have never been ganked. And…I regularly mine ( without a permit ) and have never been ganked. I don’t do it for the ISK, but for the fun of getting away with it.

Where is all this ‘defenceless’ ?


Thank god for dictionaries! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


A rational counter argument. I love it. :hearts:
You are correct. I didn’t consider Concord response as a defensive tool.
Mia culpa. I stand corrected.

300m in a Tayra @ 10kehp in Jita? Yikes.
That’s just asking for it.

3k6 Tank hauling a 1m3 load, value 1.2b in a max capacity hauler. :facepalm:
This guy was dead before he even considered the thought of turning on defense modules.

1x Mackinaw tanked to 57.4k ehp = 311m isk
20 Catalyst Glass Cannons (3.5m ea?) = 70m isk

241m padding not including drops.
I’m speculating. I’m not a ganker or a miner. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
But do you see what I’m saying?
Concord or not, it’s gonna pop.

There is no honor in it. They hit F1, overheat and it’s over for the miner. There is no skill.
What’s even more toxic is when they get paid for a permit, and the miner gets popped anyway for the lul’z.

Then I don’t understand why you believe that gankers - suicide-gankers should travel to Nullsec or Lowsec.

If you are some sort of Nullsec/Lowsec/Wormhole Alpha-male gorilla-type - why don’t you come to Highsec and strut your stuff? You don’t, because what you do (whatever it is) happens to depend on the mechanics of the region to which you are habituated and in which you find entertainment.

Surely you can see the flaw in your attempted put-down? Gankers enjoy playing in Highsec and the mechanics and opportunities there are not replicated anywhere else in New Eden.

If, of course, you meant to imply that Fear is what restrains gankers from leaving Highsec, then you may find it necessary to explain why some at least of my pals have alts in both Nullsec and Lowsec (though not in Wormhole Space).

…equals 20 subscriptions (no Alphas, of course) plus T2 mods for each Catalyst (8 Blasters, 3 Mag Stabs, Void S). If it’s 20 individuals, there’s the time factor; if it’s multiboxing (quite popular, these days) then there is that sub cost.

I know you’re speculating; nothing wrong with that, but your figures might need some adjustment.

Thank you for the mature response.

In a prior post I reiterated and said most gankers. Not all.
There are a handful that are quite skilled at PVP and I have a deep respect for them.
I pointed out two previously. Low sec and w-space.

I get it. You like hi-sec, I love null.
I appreciate the clarification. I’m not always correct. I’m trying to learn.
My beef is your entertainment comes at the expense of someone else that is non consenting.

I’m NRDS. I’m no alpha. Sigma perhaps. Eyes open and mouth shut usually.

You spent 9.4m to kill a 1.7m ship.
Why? I don’t understand. I need your help comprehending this.
Your entertainment is ruining someones day? Refusal to pay for a permit?
Or are you role playing the James 315 thing?

His maths need some work

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If miners were good at math, they wouldn’t mine.


First of all, that 241mil difference is not a profit lol. And if it is not profit then what is your point?

Second, you are missing is that you need to pay those 20 accounts (+1 that is used for scouting, warp-in and looting)

That riddiculous ammount of $ or PLEX (thus ISK).

If someone pays cash to do this, what is the problem? He is not making more ISK than $/ISK he spends on those accounts.

And if you say they PLEX those accounts from what they earn from gank, then sure you are right, that is goal. But good luck earning enough ISK from ganking miners to buy 10500 PLEX every month.

I would be surprised if you could actually get any profit at all ganking miners.

Third, while it is possible to use criminal alts, it is very inconvenient to do after last year nerfs. And if the ganker decides to maintain positive security status, then that means buying a Clone Soldier Tags, which are quite expensive - it costs about 30mil+5fee to repair 0.5 seurity status.

“Gankers making enormous ISK and it is too easy” is a very commong argument from anti-gankers, but it if it that easy, why don’t you do it as well?

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For me, EVE is a hobby. Another hobby is music production. I have about 60+ VST software synthesizers at between £50 and £150 each. Some are over £200 and a couple are over £400.

The point is, I pay whatever I choose in order to be entertained. I don’t gank for profit, nor do I pay great attention to the minutiae of the financial outlay. If I have a short month, I pull in my belt (I think that’s the phrase they use here).

I play solo. That is my choice, but it doesn’t come cheap. Again, I’m prepared to pay to be entertained, and EVE is very entertaining.

You don’t understand how a player can derive pleasure from causing misery to others? That is not my experience of ganking. The pleasure is in the gank; the misery, if any, I leave to the target to handle. Some handle it well, others, not so well. Some don’t experience it at all - especially those I regard as EVE professionals, for whom losing a ship is a nuisance, an inconvenience, but never a catastrophe.

I’m not responsible for what other players do or how they feel. The tools are there to prevent the gank; I simply use the tools I have in order to try to make it succeed.

James 315 was a visionary, a knowledgeable EVE player and an intelligent and charismatic leader. In a sense, everyone in EVE is role-playing. A miner, an industrialist, a pirate, an explorer, etc. We’re all role-playing to some extent, aren’t we?

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I whole heartly agree.

I understand it’s not 241m profit. I believe I said padding.

Why target miners? From what I’ve seen it seems haulers/freighters have a better return on investment.

If someone takes the risk of hauling fat isk in a wet paper bag. They yeah, pop him so he learns better.

I might try it. I’d be horrible at first, but we all start in the same place right?

We have something common.
Do you have Omnisphere?
I’m old school. I have an ASR-10 sampler, several other vintage synths, and Rolands first syth, the SH-1000. It might reveal my age a bit. I work in Ableton.

I’m gonna get some lunch and play a bit.

Have fun.

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Without multiboxing ? Good luck with that wet paper bag.

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More like this.

Or is this a unicorn?

Oh…I forgot to add that Jita has 8 sentry guns as well as Concord. In fact I think it may have more…I haven’t counted though I often lurk outside Jita.

On top of that there’s things such as setting an insta-undock bookmark ( and same for docking ).

I beg to differ. The Jita solo ganker has to not only know how to fit and set up the relevant ship, but also be able to scan targets and quickly assess their tank and cargo ( two separate modules for that ) and lock on to the target and fire…and prevent nearby people like me grabbing the loot ( not that I would as there’s a certain ‘diplomacy’ between people who sit outside Jita. One does not want to annoy certain groups ). And all of this within seconds.

Feel free to try it and see how it goes ! Things are always easy when you haven’t actually done them. I will be soon…I even bought the Tornado for it today.

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I mean…why is someone undocking in a measly Tayra with a 750m implant and 400m worth of torpedo launchers ? The entire cargo would fit nicely into my 110K EHP Cargo Gnosis fitting…and no solo ganker is going to blap that in 0.9 space.

I can never understand why people undock in a Tayra with expensive but low volume items that would fit nicely into a tanky cruiser or battleship.

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Yes, that was an expensive one! My go-to synths though are U-he Diva, Dune and Roland’s quirky but useful Zenology. There are other good ones, but i have a large number which I’ve uninstalled to save space and bloat.

I used to use Reason, but because they didn’t do VST3 at the time, I bought Cubase. I tried Ableton, but just couldn’t get to like it. A bit like exploration in EVE, or Nullsec, or moon-mining. You see, we’re all suited to different stuff!

The only thing I haven’t tried, is anti-ganking. I mean, all that waiting around…

It takes a certain type of person, @Githany_Red for example admitted that in real life , she watches paint dry.


Because being good at algebra changes the way someone thinks and enjoys mining similar to how they have more time to spend thinking about other stuff that gankers don’t have time for right?