Why are edencom ships so bad¿ :psyccp:

Because they were designed as an SP sink…

Also a test for future ship introductions - think ‘gold’ ammo/ship type crap in other whale type games (that Eve has turned into) …

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Oh I have no doubt at all that once things are entrenched CCP will be like

“OMG GUISE why didnt you tell us EDENCOM sucked? OFC we will do a pass. And yeah, Trigs are too good. waves wand

"Now get out there and generate cost indexes on those.

What? You were only just saying you were bored of Trigs…"

I also believe that the art department certainly has this stuff made very very much in advance and in a big folder.

As for the coding, eh thats space magic as far as Im concerned, so yeah, I mean I dunno what takes longer to do, reinstate Jukebox or get the right names on the wings of CONCORD ships…


You know that Serenity in part determines the outcome of the invasions, right ? For instance, they had exactly zero influence on the outcome of the Niarja invasion, which was determined on the Tranquility server. And vice versa for other systems. The number of “loon systems” needed for the Grand Finale (I suppose) will be assured in any case.

This. The Brown M&Ms clause…

That’s fine by me. The more they cost, the faster Hilly will get his yacht (see earlier in the thread), and the more tears we can harvest by killing them.

It’s not just premium time though, its also gold ammo and gold consumables and gold tanks (now as good or better than the non-gold versions…) …

Edit: and also extra currencies to collect and spend on equipment, etc

Ehh actually they changed Gold Ammo to Silver ammo, but yeah, Trigs are equivalent of Premium Tanks, sure.

But Im not being encouraged to get into my T54 non premium to be Lowe’d to death in EvE like I am in WoT

to kill werewolf capsuleer ?

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I’ve got your back, and an excess of flags and likes to use.

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here have some !

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Welcome to the sales promotion, ladies. Skins for sale! SKINS for sale!

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