Why are forum likes restricted?

Might be time-related, just like the trust levels themselves. I can imagine multiple flags in a day to be more of an issue than the same amount of flags over multiple years.


To be honest, I have no idea when I lost Veteran status. Since I opted out of showing that behind my name, I completely forgot about that feature in the first place. It could be months since I lost veteran status but I have had only 10 flags since October 20, one deleted post since October 20, and one Account On Hold because I dared to flag a CCP post as Inappropriate. That’s probably too much action to be called a veteran. :smiley:


This badge is granted when you reach trust level 3. Thanks for being a regular part of our community over a period of months. You’re now one of the most active readers, and a reliable contributor that makes our community great.

thats part of the description for it.

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You got yours back a few days after I got it back, back in January…

@CCP_Fleebix and I got it on the same day

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oh no ive spent 5 of my 30 daily likes on this post


I know. I was Veteran level when they introduced that. And I should still be Veteran if it only went by visit time, read posts, read time and such because I have similar or higher time in these areas than you, for instance. I’m probably just too controversial and inconvenient for my own good sometimes. :innocent:


I don’t know about that! :laughing: I had a couple of people flagging me pretty good in a few thd’s.

That very well might be. But I still think I crossed the line as much as anyone.

I don’t remember ever losing it? But like some others, I usually keep it turned off. I know I chk on from time to time just to see if it’s still there and it always was. Where did you find/see that info please? I would like to chk it out myself.

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if you go to your badge info, you can see the other 345 people that have it…

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That was 2 yrs ago. It gives the mo, but not the yr.

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no it was Jan 25 2021… If you see past me and fleebix, the next CCP member after fleebix got the badge in Dec '20… meaning 2020…

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Ah, I did not realize it was chronological order. Thanks!

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Yeah, I’m not super thrilled about the system. There seems to be a lot of people who are highly active, regularly make meaningful contributions, and who mostly behave themselves who are still somehow stuck at the bottom trust level. I mean, I admit that I sometimes might push things too far, but I’d like to think that I’ve made enough of a contribution to this community, and behave myself well enough, to warrant being able to use as many likes as I friggin like. It’s not like I’m asking for moderator abilities or anything.


Yeah, I might have lost mine to flags. But I’ve had less than 5 in the past six months. So, shouldn’t I have gotten it back? idk, maybe I’m not reading enough. However, I don’t particularly feel like reading a bunch of spam from the market and recruitment sections to get my numbers up.


I finally get to use all my likes.


I’ve been flagged a few times and have been thinking it would be fun to go figure out what I did in them and then make them worse if possible.

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Just be yourself! You’ll do fine. :rofl:

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Yah, being me all that scrolling would get old quickly!
But now I’m curious to see what happens if I max out liking things every day.

There is a badge for it, but I never found a reason to go for it till now.

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Wouldn’t it be great to have a “hated” tag in here? Or “disgruntled snit”?
I would get “totally off ■■■■■■■ topic” almost instantly.