IMO it would help to consider the different kinds of combat PvP, and make it more practical to find “fun” combat PvP in the relevant types.
For example a lot of people view one-sided combat PvP done for profit as the most important kind, and will happily sabotage every other kind to get more targets (unwilling targets if necessary).
Ganking is natural for EVE, but it’s just a niche - the only problem with it is that blindly defending it EVE-style (e.g. by blowing up Topics in the forum) affects other kinds of PvP.
Then there’s “not-quite-combat” PvP for strategic control, by deploying locally overwhelming force to make combat less likely.
And the extremely rare but PR-friendly large-scale combat for ownership or other strategic objectives.
Others (probably OP too) are interested in PvP for fun, and want something the “sandbox” isn’t offering enough of right now: reasonably balanced fights. These aren’t entirely rational in EVE, and there are surprisingly many combat-related Topics and posts pointing out it’s hard to find interesting combat opportunities. But there’s a demand, so there must be a way to make it more widely available.
EVE isn’t really a PvP game at all, despite the bold claims. It’s an income-driven sandbox with (more or less) free-fire combat. In that context the it’s clear the “natural” forms of combat PvP are ganking for ISK, taking high-income territory, and defending high-income territory.
In all of those cases, one or both sides are (and should be) working hard to make sure they’re not fair fights.
So if EVE wants “PvP for fun” to be readily available it needs a re-think. It’s certainly possible. IMO it could be done without negatively influencing “PvP farming for ISK” or strategic PvP. But it wouldn’t be trivial to facilitate both in the same places.
It’s time for the bittervets to stop hating on the idea of (moderately) balanced PvP, and start helping to work out a way to integrate it into EVE.
A PS just for Natocha: I quite like your VCU idea, and something like that might help with “PvP for fun” and/or new player retention - but I think it’s too radical/too soon. As far as I know EVE sec-levels haven’t changed significantly since EVE’s early days. I think they’re long overdue for change, but this isn’t a place that’s friendly and accepting towards major changes