I’ve been playing Eve for 1 month now. So, I’m very new at this game. However, I have played many other MMOs before and I understand them very well and what makes a game great.
Let me just first off say, I love Eve. This game has so many elements that I love, and even though I’m in the honeymoon phase of it, I can see myself playing this game for a very long time. The way the combat system works is fantastic. Yes, it was a little overwhelming in the beginning learning everything, but the more I learn how much you can do in this game, the more I fall in love with it. I’m also in a great corp now with some really fantastic guys.
I do however have one major complaint… And it’s really just eating me alive inside. I love PvP, always have in every game I played. The fact that when you die in Eve, you lose everything, adds a whole different dimension to PvP and I think that’s why it’s so special here. Getting in those heart thumping fights, having the jitters, not many games out there can get you going like Eve can with the risks involved when you step into Low sec or Null sec/wh space.
However, I’m struggling to find out where the real incentive is to PvP. So far in my first month of Eve, I’ve killed or been a part of killing 31 ships, and lost 25. Most of the time when me or me/buddies kill someone, the loot is hardly anything(less than 5-10mil). Only twice have I gotten a faction item actually worth something in PvP, whereas I’ve lost almost 1 bil in ships. Even the guys in my corp, who are incredible PvPers, admit that PvP is a money losing activity.
So again, I ask, where’s the incentive? I get that it’s fun to rack up your killboard. But honestly, who really looks at that stuff and cares? Not like someone’s going to give me recognition because I have a lot of kills on my killboard. The only reason I PvP nowadays is for the fights and combat, which by the way are fantastic. But I have to come to grips with the realization that whenever I step out to solo or fleet PvP, there’s a very good chance I’m going to lose ships, and lose ISK. Not only that, but every day I’m losing security status and soon I will be a pirate. Once that happens, it’s going to cost me even MORE ISK to get my sec status back to normal, or I could pay haulers HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of ISK to haul me stuff to Low sec. PvP is very expensive!
I have a few solutions I think could fix this issue. I wanted to get you guys input on it.
- PvP craftable gear
How about this, every time a player is killed in PvP, in their cargo there is a small chance that a (new) craftable item could appear. This item could be crafted into PvP gear, which would be like faction gear, but better. This would be essentially the best gear in the game. The industrialists could learn the blueprints for crafting it as well, so everybody wins.
- In game RECOGNIZABLE achievements for certain Killboard accomplishments
Right now the only way to tell if someone is decent at PvP is to go to zkillboard and check. Why not have special titles before a players name or an award on their portrait or something so we can tell them apart from everyone else? Or how about a special tattoo they can put on their face in their portrait. Just anything to let others know you’re a PvPer and that you are actually decent at it. I mean you could do it any number of ways. For instance, player #1 has a 4:1 kill/death ratio. That’s pretty good, but I’d never know it unless I looked it up. There should be something recognizable, in game, to where I can see it and give him the recognition or at least the respect he deserves. It doesn’t have to be just K:D ratio. You could do it for kill count. Every 1000 kills give them an achievement/reward.
I had some other ideas too but honestly these are the best two. I think with changes and more incentives a lot of high sec only players would be willing to come and play in PvP as well. It would be a great thing for the game. Let me know you guys thoughts!