I live in null, the market is patchy, people pay more for things that they don’t have to fetch. The market at places like serpentis prime where when I went there, nobody was living there, it was non existent, so arriving in a t1 frigate with a hold full of ammo, wasn’t enough. nothing was seeded at all, so it was fundamentally unplayable with a new character as a new start unless one knew in advance that they needed a suite of bpos or long run bpcs to come with them.
I’m pointing out that they need some basic items seeded up in order for people to be able to play from the start, otherwise they will be reliant on empire, but imo it shouldn’t be original source quality. I don’t know where you got pirate hulls out of that, perhaps you are crossing my thoughts with the OPs.
First off, if you look at the lore surrounding Capsule Tech it’s a retrofit that’s applied to existing hulls. The ships built by Capsuleers for Capsuleers are versions specifically designed to use and make the most of the Capsule which means fewer crew, space for the pod itself, and more automation to make full use of the Capsuleers integration with his vessel.
Also I didn’t say that the Pirate factions didn’t have any Capsule tech, just that they don’t have the same access that the Empires have, and even they really only get it through the SoCT/Jove though lore-wise that’s slowly changing.
but the fact remains that actual pirate ships are actual capsuleer ships, and that lore is fundamentally unable to justify not having pirate capsuleers.
I’m really not sure why you think putting crippling restrictions on a character from the start would be appealing to anything other than a tiny niche group of players, probably mostly those with existing characters that let them partially or entirely get around the problems starting massively negative to empires would cause.
Stuff like this is always fairly niche, and the more restrictive it is the more niche is becomes for whatever game you’re playing. In this case I can’t see more than a tiny fraction of players being interested since you’re basically proposing hardcore mode in an already punishing game.
if they aren’t a genuine marker of a player taking a hard road, they aren’t interesting. Before multiplayer games got graphical I played a PVP mud called mume, where difficult restrictions were put on evil races, and they were played just as much as less restricted characters. Even the trolls that could real die if they got caught in the sun (and lord were they hard to play during summer with 4 hour nights). It also engendered a better sense of camaraderie amongst those players, which lead to the practical observation that pvp outcomes were usually favourable to dark character groups, and that to new players they were both legendary and scary.
Also I don’t like the idea of just being able to transfer SP to such a character, thus making them a wallet achievement. In practice if they are limited to normal SP gains then at least amongst the sub community that played them, first achievements would probably be noticed and celebrated.