Why do forum moderators exist?

People who make ■■■■ suggestions because they haven’t been playing long enough to understand why they are wrong, should not paste arbitrary motives onto the helpful people trying to educate them. People here will jump on bad ideas and rip them to shreds, it’s for the best that way since it creates a competitive environment where only the actual good ideas usually make it through. It’s easy to assume everyone ripping on your idea is either wrong or out to get you, but they are in actual fact probably right (and out to get you).


The role of forum moderators is to monitor and get rid of toxic clients. I believe they think their job is to make content…which is not the case. Their current role is telling you to write a ticket and wait.

The automails and such point towards an attempt at automating the forums moderation…which is bad.

That is incorrect, sir. “moderation” =/= “policing”. EVE Online’s moderators are some of the best around by virtue of the fact that they actually do moderation, not policing. It’s as much their role to help nurture and build a community as it is to remove seriously disruptive people. Bans are rare due to the fact that simply banning someone for merely ranting or a mild bad language offence only helps to chase them away from the game and community as a whole. In fact, some rant threads are allowed to continue for a very long time to allow players to ‘blow off steam’ over a certain topic. Instead of banning players, mods close threads to edit and remove posts in poor tastes. Players who demonstrate consistently disruptive displays on the forums may be banned in time, and only very severe demonstrations of disruption are likely to result in instabans. For example, posting the private information of another player.

Every other game forum I’ve ever been on has been cancer. Elite: Dangerous mods will likely ban you just for making a sarcastic reply to someone. “Banned: 3 days for off topic posting.” The reddit mods for that game are even worse. The only other game that has forums that come close to being moderated in such a way that builds community is Black Desert’s forums.


OP, you’re looking for C&P by the way, Crime and Punishment subforums. Go brag about your ganks there all you like.

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You go to reddit for actual conversation. EVEO.com died due to overmoderation.

[quote=“Remiel_Pollard, post:23, topic:9188, full:true”]It’s as much their role to help nurture and build a community as it is to remove seriously disruptive people.

If that’s the case then they failed miserably.

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it means “GET THE FUK OUT”

Zaku Ganymede said 19 days ago: “I’ve been playing for a few days and I’m pretty sure I wont continue.”

So…why are you still here?

If you would like to know why there is no general chat channel in EvE simply go to jita and observe the local channel for a while. There are usually about 1000-2000 players in jita. Imagine that multiplied 10-20x and you will have your answer.

Do you consider doxxing a legitimate response?

As has been pointed out, the dedicated section you ask for exists: the Crime and Punishment subforum.

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You can create your own general chat channel if you want to, this can be done from the channel management window. However, I would not want to be forced into a game wide channel…

Every time I go to Jita, Amarr or any other area where there are a few hundred people around I close the chat channel (or minimise it at the very least). If we had a game wide general channel that everyone had to join, I am willing to bet others would close it off too.

My predictions on what we would see in a game wide general chat:

  • Scams - like trade hubs
  • Spam - like trade hubs
  • The more vocal people would often talk about things (often with an offensive manor) that I don’t want to see.

The general channel would not be a venue for anything useful at all.


No, they haven’t. Apparently you’re still new to the community, so you’re still learning.

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If you want to talk about over-moderation, go to any other game forum that isn’t EVE.


[quote=“Remiel_Pollard, post:31, topic:9188”]
If you want to talk about over-moderation, go to any other game forum that isn’t EVE.
[/quote]i don’t think the Eve forums are badly over moderated at all. They do correct or curb stomp, when warranted.

The keep the content more or less friendly and informative. But for the most part, I don’t see them swinging the ban hammer too wide.

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They don’t. That’s what I’m talking about. This is the only game forum out of all the ones I’ve been on that I’ve never had a ban on. Some forums have given me bans literally for disagreeing with someone calling me “argumentative and disruptive”.

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I dont want Eve forum to look like Reddit, it may have everything but you have to be physic to find anything.

It has just enough mod control to make it informative but not so much that it’s boring.

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I’ve been here plenty long enough to observe your overly aggressive and generally unlikeable persona.

My post stands. If the role of the mods here is, as you say, to “help nurture and build a community and remove seriously disruptive people” then the clear evidence is that they have not succeeded, as the most disruptive people on the forums have managed to amass quite the post count.

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Moderators exist, because there’s people who need to be moderated. if everyone was smart and civilized, then there wouldn’t be any moderators. that’s why the majority of people are on reddit. they have barely any standards, every moron can write :poop: and gets upvoted and the echo chambering is beyond healthy.

Anyone complaining about moderation usually does it in a way that proves that moderators are needed. Heavy moderation and or a paywall also help against Eternal September, but CCP embraced it fully knowing what’ll happen… vOv

Your “disruptive” isn’t the bar. you just dislike him, because he’s not a moron who speaks and talks like everyone else and agrees or disagrees with everything in a nice way. No, instead he’s authentic, unlike most people. I don’t even know if you understand that…


Ah, I see the problem here.

You define “seriously disruptive” as anyone that doesn’t post according to your personal sensibilities.

Aggressive posting isn’t against the rules, mate. Get use to it. I cop it, you’re gonna cop it, everyone’s gonna cop it. Welcome to EVE Online. I’ve been using the forums for five years and I’ve never seen your name before, so again, you must be new here. Because there is a community, as a matter of fact, and I recognise a large number of regulars from the old forums. You, however, I don’t know.

The forum moderators here are very good at their job. If you want forums a la North Korea, try any other game. I suggest Elite. Or you can hang around for a spell, and actually get to know people before you judge them, and become a part of the community that you so quickly dismiss by virtue of your own personal ignorance.

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The problem here is that you have misconstrued my post in order to create a false argument.

May I offer some advice. You do come across as quite an angry person, and anger does tend to cloud one’s judgement. Perhaps next time as, once more, the red mist descends upon your good self and you are compelled by your inner demons to sow strife on these hallowed grounds, it may do you good to take a moment and reflect on your need to create argument where there is none. It could be a watershed moment in terms of your self-growth, and also a step towards making these forums a better place. Instead of being that guy who spent all day spawn-camping a newb in WoW, you could become a well-rounded mature adult.

Please think on this. o7.


I didn’t confuse your ‘argument’ at all, but you’re conflating anger with indifference. I don’t really care about you. Your problem is a personal one, with the way people post. The fact is, you simply haven’t been here long enough to understand the community. It’s entirely on you if you’re going to make judgements based on surface features. At the end of the day though, I’m not arguing with you, mate. I’m explaining why I’m right, and you’re wrong.