Why do Guristas rats jam ships that tackle Ishtar bots?

Since you missed my post, why not try to take out the jammers? You know you can do that now right?

How was I supposed to know the pilot/bot wasnt going to run?

I didn’t know the bot was programmed not to run/escape until the fourth attempt where I decided to go in pre-overheated.

If I kill the jammers, the pilot/bot will warp off…(just for appearing in local).

This was a rare case of a bot not running away (in half armor on a passive shield tanked ship).

999/1000 times both real players and bots will run. You have to tackle them. They also use 100MN builds, so you have to web them too.

It usually goes like this:

Log-in attack with a dictor.
Log-in main same time.

Dictor warps off because they can’t tank rats (can’t use web/scram, so the dictor is usually dual tanked).

Main tackles. Gets rat aggro. Usually this is OK because you fit your Loki to tank the rats.

But in Gurista space you get jammed and lose point.

I’m not a God dual-boxer, so no, I can’t get my dictor back in for a second bubble. But it shouldn’t require two PvP accounts to kill one PvE player in an Ishtar because of rat jamming.

Bring an alt then. One to tackle the Ishtar and the other to deal with the jammers. I think you’re making a mountain out of an ant hill.

So you just advocated that players need two PvP accounts to kill one PvE bot in Gurista sites.

You can 1v1 them easy anywhere except Gurista sites.

Btw, whoever tackles the Ishtar gets jammed. So this wouldn’t work.

I try to get my dictor in for a second bubble. That’s a lot of dual box work and window switching for someone being assisted by rats.



What ship you using? If the botter runs away isn’t that the goal to prevent them from killing??

Right now, I’d be happy with them simply fixing the Gurista AI to not use their jammers on a target that hasn’t applied damage to any gurista rat.

I can tank the damage long enough to kill the ratter, but not if I’m perma jammed. I also can’t hold point on the ratter if I’m jammed.

No tackle = escape.
Tackle = rat aggro = jam = escape.

You lose either way.

But an overall change to all rat AI is warranted as well.

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The botters only escape because they spam “warp to” while they are being attacked. They don’t even fight back and ALIGN like a normal person.

The moment the Gurista jam lands, I lose point and the bot warps off.

In this particularly rare case the bot owner didn’t even bother to program his Ishtar to warp off (either that or the bot logic was broke). The bot continued killing the Gurista rats with its drones while I tanked the site for him (and took the jams).

I’m curious to know why you think its a bot?
Not every Ishtar is a bot after all an if he thinks you can’t kill him why warp off when he may get a free kill anyway?

He returned exactly every 15 minutes to the same site. On the dot.

That’s how I got four attempts in. Four in one 60 minute interval. It eventualyl ran, but after I warped off.

(it wasn’t there when I immediately returned).

So the escape logic was either broken, delayed and erratic. I’m pretty it did try to warp out on the initial tackles, but the logic broke (poorly programmed) and it stopped spamming warp.

But that fact is that it returned 12-15 minutes after each attempt.

The video you linked is from 2017 and is one instance of a bad catch (note how the ishtar also instantly agresses too)

Dont bots usually warp off earlier than you landing on grid? I mean i dont wait around for hours cloaked in the same system just trying to catch a ratting ishtar so i really dont know how it all works.

Not if you bubble trap them in a dictor with log-on attack (like I was).

Are you reading this thread?

Btw, I am using two accounts for the Ishtar. But the dictor can’t stay on grid for very long.

The 100MN allows him to escape the bubbles even when webbed/scrammed.

And the loki can’t hold point because it gets JAMMED!

I also would have killed in under 30 seconds if I didn’t get JAMMED.

After the fight goes too long (because of JAMS) I have to warp off because I can’t tank that much damage.


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I think you’re being deliberately obtuse now. There are many videos, testimonies and threads (Including Jester) on the subject of rat aggro vs gankers.

But even if we prepare for all of it…you can’t prepare for the JAM, because the target escapes the moent a jam lands.

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I am reading this thread, you didnt mention you were using two accounts or a sabre.

Dont get triggered, just because you have the tenacity to sit in a system with two accounts for hours trying to catch ratters doesnt mean other people do.

Seems like a waste of time and resources to me tbh.

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Why are you defending botters?

How many bots do you run?

Why is it I only need ONE ship (one account) is any non-gurista site, but I need 2 accounts to even land the initial tackle in a gurista site, and still have a very high chance of failure due to JAMS allowing the target to escape?


calm down miner…

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The case is the title:

Why are gurista rats defending bots?

Look at the bright side, before we couldn’t attack anything being jammed, but now you can. And if you are going into sites, aren’t the guristas the target and not a bot? If you suspect it’s a bot report it, otherwise take out the guristas when it warps away. Take away the sites and it can’t go anywhere but empty space.

It’s not an issue anywhere else but gurista sites, cause guristas are the only ones who jam.

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Because you use ewar in the site.
Lets say they change it to only agro on damage. Now I can ewar them, logi myself, remote buff myself with no risk to these ships. Now I can perfectly position since they don’t attack me till I shoot them… Start to see the issue here.

No. I ewared a player, not a rat.

Yes, logi/remotebuffs on a player should generate threat.

EWAR on a player should not generate rat aggro.

Stop being obtuse.

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