Why is nullsec so poor?

Funny, it could be solved pretty “easily”…

Whenever I need new ship I have to fly around gathering pieces of the fit in the radius of many jumps away from my present location - if i want to avoid crowded systems like Jita ofc. I know this “ship scarcity” should force me to gitgud, but …it actually bottlenecks me by forcing me to plenty of yack shaving first before I could fly again. I don’t fear loosing stuff anymore in New Eden. I fear the grind before having fun. I don’t mind loosing ship after ship unless I have plenty of same replacements at hand. I know, I can prepare in advance and stash few dozen fitted hulls …but it takes too looong :frowning:

Another solution would be a kind of buy contract prepared from saved fits with an option to negotiate payment at the end… but it requires somebody at the other end who would scan for such contracts to fulfill them.