Why is nullsec so poor?

If you’re poor in nullsec, you’re doing it wrong.

That’s all there is to it.

I don’t see PLEX banks sitting in space extracting plex from the ether so to speak, so no. Maybe you should agitate for walking in stations so you can rob a bank, I would not hold your breath on that however. But siphons are something in game and looking for a use, maybe enable them to siphon that fuel goo too…

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:slightly_frowning_face: We have PLEX Vaults and PLEX looks like bars of gold so I thought ‘plex’ was the New Eden word for gold since there is no gold to mine in EVE :tipping_hand_woman:

I read about that. It must have been nice once for those capsuleers to get out of the pod.
Some people just have all the fun SMH

"The structure has no use after the introduction of moon mining though they still can be deployed."
Perfectly fine piece of equipment sitting unused. Should be used to siphon PLEX from bank vaults. :smiling_imp:

I’d settle for them skimming skyhook juice from lava/plasma planets.

How Poor?

Frostpacker had been stripped!!!

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hit the whinedoze key
type “snip”
learn to use the snipping tool for screenshots instead of your phone

I’m sorry frosty is currently too poor to perform that task and is not accepting any donations.


No Analysis Kredits?

Well, a few years ago there was a “ransom” battle for a Keepstar in the MT02-2 system. Attackers asked for 1T ISK to stop fire and retreat without any guarantees. Great times in EVE story btw. I had a flashback then about the “One Million Dollar” meme in movies.

Well, speaking about contemporaries, one million dollar ransom was funny in 1997 (when the movie was released) and is completely hilarious now in 2024.


Null seccers are the biggest crybabies.

Why is it that null sec products are so cheap? Why is the isk so poor?

Coz it’s TOO SAFE. You crybabies OVERPRODUCE and crash your products to the floor.


Well, the title of EvE’s Biggest Crybabies is certainly up for debate, I’d put them in a solid third place, but everything else was spot on. Highsec Carebears and Highsec Gankers have firmly established themselves as numbers one and two, pun intended.

You had the right list - just in the wrong order.

• 1. Null-sec.
• 2. High-sec (null?) gankers.
• 3. High-sec (null?) carebears.
• 4-9. More null-sec.
• 10. High-sec (actual) players.

(way down the list)
• x. Wormholers.
• y. Low-sec.
• z. Pochven.


Null and highsec version have slightly different behavior.

Nullsec versions have accepted a modicum of risk and complain when the risk/reward balance shifts at all towards risk. For example, a neut passing through system is fine, but if the mobile observatory doesn’t immediately and permanently decloak the neut, cloaky camping must be removed from the game.

Highsec versions want zero risk, ever, for any reason. For example, a combat ship being able to target a miner is abusing the miner and the pilot of the combat ship must be banned immediately and permanently.

Both examples are posts written on this forum.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:


I guess I’m going against the grain here, because as a bonafide high-sec player - I actually don’t mind some risk. I don’t think I’m necessarily the exception to the rule, either; most of us just suck it up and don’t whine about it all the time.

But change one single solitary rock in null-sec…


I take on more risk blitzing SoE lvl 4 missions in a golem in an hour than an entire fleet of hulks in Null deal with in an entire week.

The highsec gankers do more to make hauling, mining, and mission running in blinged marauders to keep highsec very much more dangerous than nullsec.

Frankly, nullsec should feel ashamed of this fact.


Actually by far the biggest crybabies on the forums, numerically and proportionally, are the supposedly hard-core “HTFU princess - EVE is pain!” posers.

Given the much larger population of high-sec and PvE’ers, and the fact that 10,000 new players cycle through EVE every week (of which maybe a hundred or two stick around), it’s inevitable that we’ll see a couple disgruntled or uninformed complaints about ganking or scamming or asset safety or some other ‘carebear’ issue every week or so.

Check the replies though and you’ll soon see that for each such carebear post, there are many more “hardcore” pixel warriors chiming in to tell them to go back to WoW, this is a real man’s game, stop being an entitled Karen, or whatever other “putdown of the month” suits their fancy.

Apparently just the hint of a notion that they might not be able to pretend they’re ‘space samurai’ any longer is enough to get these people whining. And if their own gameplay gets nerfed, well then the real crying starts.


Definitely the largest group are the ones who still fail to realize the type of game EvE is, and want to change it away from what made it a legend.

Gods forbid anyone fly with an ounce of f*cking sense in a game that’s supposed to be dangerous, right? Nope, I’m whining because you can’t play the game properly.

What needs to be wrong with someone that they join the game known to be the most cut throat and brutal on the market, and then wants safety handed to them?

Do you use cheat codes on Dark Souls?

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I think you have the chart upside down…

That’s a lot of chest beating and ignorance in one sentence.


Without some risk I would find Hi-Sec where I reside totally dull.