Why is nullsec so poor?

And yet, if you fly like you’ve half a brain, HIghsec is already risk free. :roll_eyes:

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Yes, but you’ve still got to engage at least half a brain. If High-Sec were completely risk free, it would become, literally a no-brainer.

You get that, but few others here do. Thus the 2 decade long campaign to get all risk removed from highsec.

I don’t believe anyone is seriously asking for high sec to be made totally risk free. There are risks in all areas of space in this game. (As it should be) However, what some on the opposing side argue for; i.e. that most isk making opportunities are nerfed into the ground and to make high sec basically a starter zone where noobies can run the tutorials and then leave, is also ridiculous.

By that same token no one seriously expects high sec space to be as lucrative as null.

Eve is supposed to cater to many different types of players and different play styles, all of which in a “sandbox” are equally valid.

I fear, Anabella, that your sincerely held beliefs might require some adjustment in light of some of the suggestions to be found in the ‘Player Features & Ideas’ and ‘Crime and Punishment’ sub-forums.


Well I did qualify those statements with the word seriously.

I’m also choosing to ignore the ideas from those who haven’t played long enough to have formed a valid opinion based on experience and understanding of Eve.

Hmm…maybe you’re right though Sasha. Maybe I’m expecting a level of reasonableness and understanding of game mechanics that’s not there.

Yes, allowing for the exceptions you make, the list of unreasonable suggestions does diminish somewhat.

I suspect that the number of those holding the most extreme views is quite small, but disproportionately vocal, in the Forum.

What they don’t get (or wilfully ignore) is the issue of balance as it is applied by the Game’s designers. They appear to believe that their own notions of ‘a balanced game’ must be fairer than those of any other entity. I haven’t the energy to explain why they do this; I’m sure you already know, judging by your intelligent response!

EDIT: Andlaust explains it in a nutshell, just below.

Nah, what you’re doing is believing people make suggestions here based on what they think is best for the game, and not solely based on how it will benefit their wallet, and their wallet alone.

Also, I’ve been in quite a few “highsec mining corps” in my decade and a half playing this game. Nowhere in this game is more toxic and full of hate. Even the forums are a reprieve from that. They usually don’t come post here because the forums won’t put up with them.

Go spend a day in the anti-ganking chat in game, then come back and tell us you still agree with your above statements. :grin:

This is mostly dependent on having an idea of the bigger picture, numbers wise. EVE has had millions of players. It gets thousands of new players trying it out every week. It has 29,000 accounts (not players) logged in right now.

With numbers like that, the fact that we see maybe half a dozen whiney carebears or entitled demands a week in forums or Reddit is virtually nothing. We see equally many, if not more, so called ‘hardcore’ players demanding everything be harsher and deadlier.

Truly well thought out and reasonable suggestions are fewer, but that’s less because “players only demand what’s good for their pocketbook” and more because most people simply don’t understand what’s required to work entertainment, challenge, risk and reward into a gaming environment without going off the rails somewhere.

I critique CCP quite a bit for their missteps, but at least they’re competent workers in their industry with experienced devs around them. And if they have trouble coming up with good designs for EVE, it’s not hard to figure that very few “player suggestions” will be solid and worth considering.


But unfortunately, right now, Highsec IS as lucrative as null.

I can blitz L4s (given I have the knowledge and the required equipment) and boom blast 300-400 million ISK per hour. Or I can do a bit less on average with T5 Abyssals basically risk-free or a bit more with T6 Abyssals if I am in the mood of having a bit of a challenge. And now comes the funniest part: I can do that single-accounting, no multiboxing required. I don’t need to join any groups obeying to their rules, I don’t need to set up and maintain stations, intel, any kind of defense-concept protecting my space or whatever. I can even do it in a non-wardeccable corp, so the only risk left is pretty much ganking. And even that risk can be minimized quite well if you know how the gankers work.

Now please you tell me: Isn’t that not a bit too much reward opportinity for that little risk involved? I don’t want to nerf HighSec unreasonably, but I do believe the incredible safety the players enjoy there should come at an adequate price. That doesn’t mean HighSec gameplay shouldn’t be a “valid gameplay” - it should be, but it should be balanced, and it’s currently not. Don’t you agree that it is absolutely ridiculous that I can make more money with HS-PvE than people who live in a C4 WH with all the investments, efforts and losses counted in?

We do? Where? Who are they? I haven’t seen anyone demanding harsher and deadlier. Many of us, myself included, argue against EvE becoming softer and easier, which is definitely not the same thing. HTFU is about player mentality, not game difficulty. This game is absurdly easy, in all areas of space, if you pay attention. It doesn’t need to be easier. :grin:

I note that a lot of people claim “In your region you can make sooo much ISK so easy with minimal risk”. I see a lot of claims, I see very little evidence.

I also see that factors such as the amount of ISK you can make from industry, reactions and PI in those other spaces (much of it semi-passively and nearly risk-free) doesn’t seem to get factored in.

I can’t speak for CCP of course, but personally I pay a lot more attention to people who give well thought out rationales for how the risk and reward for their own space balances out and what could be done to make it better and more interesting.

As opposed to the people who apparently feel “those guys in Null/WH/High make way too much too easy, they need to be nerfed”.


It took 10 days since you asked

We can use some advice pls on how to Analyse Kredits as long a
S it doesn’t cost us as we already given away our play money for July.

You should try an ISK doubler in Jita then you’d have twice the amount to play with each month. :wink:

Yeah and with which pilot? :speak_no_evil:

I believe you overestimate your peers.



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Okay but I need to wait until August

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No problem. :blush:

Bet small miss small will be the strategy.