Why no Sentry Drones for Alpha pilots?

You mean working hard by doing nothing.

Nice bf you are, getting you gf banned from the game.


I just made an alpha over the last couple of months to see what they are capable of. My view is that they are wildly powerful with flying a decently fitted faction gila or rattlesnake and can cope with many aspects of the game


They have no reason to fly faction.

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I agree - i think this makes alphas overpowered

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90% of people that fly factions ships shouldnt be flying a faction ship

When i see an alpha in a faction ship i get a hardon, not because he looks fabulous in that shiny ship but because i know he is an easy kill.

If you think faction makes you op then go pvp and learn the truth the hard way


This is how I explain that to a new player: A funky/faction ship can make good pilots better but it does not make a bad or new pilot good.

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